Section 22-21B-1 – Short Title.
Section 22-21B-1 Short title. This chapter may be known and cited as the Health Care Rights of Conscience Act. (Act 2017-189, §1.)
Section 22-21B-1 Short title. This chapter may be known and cited as the Health Care Rights of Conscience Act. (Act 2017-189, §1.)
Section 22-21B-2 Legislative findings. The Legislature finds and declares: (1) It is the public policy of the State of Alabama to respect and protect the fundamental right of conscience of individuals who provide health care services. (2) Without comprehensive protection, health care rights of conscience may be violated in various ways, such as harassment, demotion, […]
Section 22-21B-3 Definitions. The following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, unless otherwise required by their respective context: (1) CONSCIENCE. The religious, moral, or ethical principles held by a health care provider. (2) DISCRIMINATION. Discrimination includes, but is not limited to: Hiring, termination, refusal of staff privileges, refusal […]
Section 22-21B-4 Participation in a health care service that violates the conscience of health care provider; written objection; liability. (a) A health care provider has the right not to participate, and no health care provider shall be required to participate, in a health care service that violates his or her conscience when the health care […]
Section 22-21B-5 Injunctive relief. (a) An action for injunctive relief may be brought for the violation of any provision of this chapter. (b) The court in such action may award injunctive relief, including ordering reinstatement of a health care provider to his or her prior job position, back pay, and costs of the action. (Act […]
Section 22-21B-6 Construction with abortion statutes. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to permit or require the violation of any Alabama statute, regulation, or other provision of law that regulates or provides rights, duties, obligations, or limitations related in any way to abortion. (Act 2017-189, §6.)
Section 22-21B-7 Abortion clinics; relation to other statutes. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to health care institutions or employers who are licensed by the State Board of Health as abortion clinics. Further, nothing in this chapter shall modify, amend, repeal, or supersede any provision of Section 6-5-333, or the “Alabama Medical Liability […]
Section 22-21B-8 Severability. If any part, section, or subsection of this chapter or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect parts, sections, or subsections or applications of this chapter which can be given effect without the invalid part, section, or subsection or application and to this […]