Section 22-26-1 Insanitary sewage facilities menacing public health. It shall be unlawful and shall constitute a misdemeanor to build, maintain or use an insanitary sewage collection, treatment and disposal facility or one that is or is likely to become a menace to the public health anywhere within the state, including plumbing facilities, privies, septic tank […]
Section 22-26-2 Authority of boards of health to require installation of connections with sanitary sewers, etc.; rules and regulations. The State Board of Health and/or county boards of health, acting through its duly authorized agents or employees, shall require every person, firm or corporation or municipal corporation, or agent thereof, owning or occupying property within […]
Section 22-26-3 Approval of plans and specifications. All plans and specifications applying to sewage collection, treatment and disposal shall be first submitted to the State Board of Health and/or county boards of health for approval before construction. The said plans and specifications shall be approved if in conformance with said specifications, rules and regulations and […]
Section 22-26-4 Permits for installation of plumbing within police jurisdiction of municipal corporations. The issuance of permits for the installation of plumbing within structures located within the police jurisdiction of municipal corporations, and the inspection and approval of same, shall be functions of municipal corporations. (Acts 1969, No. 1127, p. 2089, §5.)
Section 22-26-5 Permits for installation of plumbing outside jurisdiction of municipal corporations. Repealed by Act 2016-305, §2, effective May 10, 2016. (Acts 1969, No. 1127, p. 2089, §6.)
Section 22-26-6 Penalty for violations of chapter. Any person, firm, corporation or municipal corporation responsible for conforming or maintaining as required in this chapter and who fails to conform or maintain in violation of said specifications, rules and regulations shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable, upon conviction, by a fine of not to exceed […]
Section 22-26-7 Certain land subdivided for single-family residences and not having access to public sewer not subject to subdivision regulations of State Board of Health. (a) Land subdivided for single-family residential purposes into lots of not less than three acres in size shall not be subject to the subdivision criteria and the rules and regulations […]