Section 22-29-7 Powers. The authority shall have the following powers, among others specified in this chapter: (1) To have succession in its corporate name until the principal of and interest on all bonds issued by it shall have been fully paid; (2) To maintain actions and have actions maintained against it and to prosecute and […]
Section 22-29-8 Bonds – Authorization to issue and sell; security for payment. For the purpose of providing funds for the state to make grants to local public bodies for a project or projects or for the payment of obligations incurred or a temporary loan made for any of said purposes, the authority is hereby authorized, […]
Section 22-29-9 Bonds – Procedure for sale. The bonds of the authority may be sold at such time or times as the board of directors may deem advantageous; but unless sold to a local public body or to the United States of America or an agency of the United States of America, such bonds shall […]