Section 22-51-1 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, unless otherwise indicated, the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section: (1) CONSTRUCTION and CONSTRUCT. Such terms include: a. The construction of new buildings and the expansion, remodeling and alteration of existing buildings, including architects’ fees; and b. Equipping new […]
Section 22-51-10 Professional advisory committee. The board of directors of the corporation shall appoint a professional advisory committee of three or more members, one of which must be a physician practicing in the area of the board’s jurisdiction. (Acts 1967, No. 310, p. 853, §9.)
Section 22-51-11 Powers of corporation. Any corporation organized pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, is hereby authorized and empowered to exercise the following powers in addition to others granted in this chapter: (1) To construct and maintain facilities as defined in Section 22-51-4; (2) To cooperate and contract with the State Board of Health […]
Section 22-51-12 Control of facilities and programs. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to mean that the facilities and programs provided for in this chapter are to be under the direction or control of any person other than the board of directors appointed by the governing bodies, as provided in Section 22-51-8, as long […]
Section 22-51-13 Taxation exemption. The corporations authorized in this chapter and their property, including bonds, conveyances, mortgages, leases, and deeds, and all income from such property and the operation of programs shall be exempt from all taxation, and no excise tax may be imposed on any corporation for the privilege of engaging in any of […]
Section 22-51-14 Appropriations by local governing bodies. The governing bodies which are entitled to appoint a member of the board of directors are hereby authorized to appropriate their respective shares of the cost of construction of the facilities as determined upon by agreement between the board of directors and the respective governing bodies; and the […]
Section 22-51-15 Limitations of liability for certain regional mental health entities, directors, and employees. (a) This section shall be construed to supersede any protections limiting damages described in Article 8 of Chapter 47 of Title 11, and Chapter 93 of Title 11, which may have been available to entities organized pursuant to this chapter. (b) […]
Section 22-51-2 Incorporation of public corporations – Authorized. By proceeding in the manner set forth in this chapter, any number of natural persons, not less than three, may form a public corporation to contract with the State Board of Health or the Alabama Department of Mental Health in constructing and operating facilities and in carrying […]
Section 22-51-3 Incorporation of public corporations – Application – Contents. The said natural persons, referred to in Section 22-51-2, shall file a written application with each governing body from which they desire authority to incorporate. Such applications shall: (1) Describe in general terms the area of the state which will be served by the proposed […]
Section 22-51-4 Incorporation of public corporations – Application – Approval. Upon the adoption by each governing body to which an application was sent of a resolution approving the formation of the said corporation, the incorporators, or not less than three of them, shall proceed to complete the incorporation in the manner provided in this chapter. […]
Section 22-51-5 Incorporation of public corporations – Certificate of incorporation – Contents. The certificate of incorporation shall state: (1) The names of the persons forming it, together with their addresses, and that each is a resident of the area which will be served by the proposed corporation; (2) The name of the corporation; (3) The […]
Section 22-51-6 Incorporation of public corporations – Certificate of incorporation – Execution and recording. A certificate of incorporation, in the form provided in Section 22-51-5, shall be signed and acknowledged by the incorporators before an officer authorized by the laws of the state to take acknowledgments to deeds and shall have attached thereto a certified […]
Section 22-51-7 Incorporation of public corporations – Certificate of incorporation – Amendments. The certificate of incorporation may be amended, from time to time, to provide for any objective that was not included in the original certificate of incorporation by proceeding as follows: (1) The board of directors of the corporation, subject to the approval of […]
Section 22-51-8 Board of directors – Composition; appointment, qualifications, terms and compensation of members; vacancies; executive committee. Each corporation shall be governed by a board of directors of nine or more members, selected as provided in this section. Each governing body which authorized the formation of the corporation shall appoint three members of the said […]
Section 22-51-9 Board of directors – Meetings; quorum; constitution and bylaws. The board of directors shall hold monthly meetings and such special meetings as may be called, from time to time, on at least two days’ notice given by the chairman or by any three members thereof, said notice to be given to each member […]