US Lawyer Database

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Section 34-11-1 – Definitions.

Section 34-11-1 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the respective meanings ascribed by this section: (1) BOARD. The State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, provided for by Section 34-11-30. (2) DESIGN COORDINATION. The review and coordination of technical submissions prepared by persons other […]

Section 34-11-10 – Public Work.

Section 34-11-10 Public work. A state, county, or local governmental agency or authority, or an official or employee thereof, may not engage in the practice of engineering or land surveying involving either public or private property without the project being under the responsible charge of a professional engineer for engineering projects or a professional land […]

Section 34-11-11 – Disciplinary Action.

Section 34-11-11 Disciplinary action. (a) The board may reprimand, censure, suspend, revoke, place on probation, recover costs, or fine any licensee or certified engineer intern or land surveyor intern or firm holding a certificate of authorization or refuse to issue, renew, or reinstate the certificate of any licensee or certified engineer intern or land surveyor […]

Section 34-11-11.1 – Civil Penalties; Recovery of Costs.

Section 34-11-11.1 Civil penalties; recovery of costs. (a) The board may levy a civil penalty and recover costs from any individual or firm for any of the following activities: (1) Engaging in the practice or offering to practice engineering or land surveying in the state without being authorized in accordance with the provisions of this […]

Section 34-11-11.2 – Complaints; Investigation; Hearing; Sanctions.

Section 34-11-11.2 Complaints; investigation; hearing; sanctions. (a) Any person or entity, including the board or its staff, may file a complaint alleging a violation of this chapter against any individual licensee, certified intern, or firm holding a certificate of authorization or against an unlicensed individual or firm. The complaint shall be in writing, shall be […]

Section 34-11-12 – Reissuance of Revoked Certificates.

Section 34-11-12 Reissuance of revoked certificates. The board, for reasons it may deem sufficient, may reissue a certificate of licensure or intern certification to any person or certificate of authorization to any firm whose certificate has been revoked, provided a majority of the board votes in favor of reissuance. The board shall not consider reissuance […]

Section 34-11-13 – Appeals.

Section 34-11-13 Appeals. Any person who is aggrieved by the denial of a certificate by the board or by any disciplinary action by the board taken pursuant to Section 34-11-11 may appeal within 30 days to the Circuit Court of Montgomery County, exclusively, notwithstanding the provisions of the Alabama Administrative Procedure Act; and only after […]

Section 34-11-14 – Persons and Acts Exempt From Chapter.

Section 34-11-14 Persons and acts exempt from chapter. This chapter shall not be construed to prevent or to affect any of the following: (1) The practice of any other legally recognized profession or trade. (2) The work of an engineer intern or land surveyor intern, employee, or a subordinate of any person holding a certificate […]

Section 34-11-15 – Violations; Penalties.

Section 34-11-15 Violations; penalties. (a) Any person who practices, offers to practice, or holds himself or herself out as qualified to practice engineering or land surveying in this state or uses in connection with his or her name or otherwise assumes, uses, or advertises any title or description including, but not limited to, the term […]

Section 34-11-2 – Practice of Engineering and Land Surveying Regulated.

Section 34-11-2 Practice of engineering and land surveying regulated. (a) A person in either public or private capacity may not practice or offer to practice engineering or land surveying, unless he or she shall first have submitted evidence that he or she is qualified so to practice and shall be licensed by the board as […]

Section 34-11-3 – Roster of Registrants.

Section 34-11-3 Roster of registrants. A roster showing the names and addresses of all licensed professional engineers, all professional land surveyors, and all who possess current certifications as engineer interns or land surveyor interns shall be published by the board as provided for by board rule. (Acts 1961, Ex. Sess., No. 79, p. 1976, §11; […]

Section 34-11-4 – General Requirements for Licensure or Certification.

Section 34-11-4 General requirements for licensure or certification. The board may approve engineering, land surveying, and related science programs which shall be accepted under the following criteria: (1) PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. The following shall be considered as minimum evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant is qualified for licensure as a professional engineer: a. Graduation […]

Section 34-11-5 – Applications; Fees.

Section 34-11-5 Applications; fees. (a) Applications for licensure as a professional engineer, professional land surveyor, engineer intern, or land surveyor intern shall be on forms prescribed and furnished by the board and shall contain a declaration made under penalty of perjury. Three or more of the references contained in an application for licensure as a […]

Section 34-11-6 – Examinations.

Section 34-11-6 Examinations. (a) Examinations shall be held at such times and places as the board determines and upon payment of an examination fee. The board shall determine the acceptable passing grade on state-specific examinations. (b) When examinations are required on fundamental subjects, the applicant shall be permitted to take this part of the professional […]

Section 34-11-7 – Issuance of Certificate; Seal.

Section 34-11-7 Issuance of certificate; seal. (a) The board shall issue a certificate of licensure to any applicant for licensure as a professional engineer or professional land surveyor who, in the opinion of the board, has satisfactorily met all the requirements of this chapter. In the case of a professional engineer, the certificate shall authorize […]

Section 34-11-9 – Practice by Firms.

Section 34-11-9 Practice by firms. (a)(1) A firm that practices or offers to practice engineering or land surveying is required to obtain a certificate of authorization from the board in accordance with rules adopted by the board. (2) An entity that performs engineering services or land surveying services for itself, or for a parent or […]

Section 34-11-9.1 – Issuance of Duplicate Certificates.

Section 34-11-9.1 Issuance of duplicate certificates. A duplicate certificate of licensure, intern enrollment document, or certificate of authorization may be issued subject to the rules of the board. A fee established by rule shall be paid for each issuance. (Act 2018-550, §2.)