Section 34-27B-1 Legislative findings. The Legislature finds and declares that the practice of respiratory therapy in Alabama affects the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Alabama. It, therefore, should be subject to regulation and control, in the public interest to protect the citizenry against the unauthorized, unqualified, and improper administration of respiratory […]
Section 34-27B-10 Violations. Any person who violates this chapter, upon conviction, shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor. (Act 2004-518, p. 1038, §10.)
Section 34-27B-11 Additional activities permitted under chapter. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as preventing or restricting the practice, services, or activities of any of the following: (1) Any person who is licensed in Alabama or certified by an organization accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies and acceptable to the state from […]
Section 34-27B-12 Notice provided to respiratory therapists. (a) The board shall provide notification to all respiratory therapists employed as such or practicing respiratory therapy in Alabama on May 17, 2004. The notification shall summarize the requirements of this chapter and provide information on procedures for obtaining a license. Publication of the notification shall be accompanied […]
Section 34-27B-13 Rules and regulations. The board shall promulgate rules necessary to implement and administer the provisions of this chapter. Rules shall be issued pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act. (Act 2004-518, p. 1038, §13.)
Section 34-27B-14 Sunset provision. The board shall be subject to the Alabama Sunset Law, as provided in Chapter 20, Title 41, as an enumerated agency as provided in Section 41-20-3, and shall have a termination date of October 1, 2008, and every four years thereafter, unless continued pursuant to the Alabama Sunset Law. (Act 2004-518, […]
Section 34-27B-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings: (1) BOARD. The Alabama State Board of Respiratory Therapy. (2) DIRECT CLINICAL SUPERVISION. A situation where a licensed respiratory therapist or physician is available for the purpose of communication, consultation, and assistance. (3) HEALTHCARE FACILITY. The definition shall be […]
Section 34-27B-3 License requirements; examination. (a) Except as provided in Section 34-27B-7, no person shall hold himself or herself out to be, or function as, a respiratory therapist in this state unless licensed in accordance with this chapter. (b) In order to obtain a respiratory therapist license, an applicant shall demonstrate to the board that […]
Section 34-27B-4 State Board of Respiratory Therapy – Functions. The board shall perform the following functions: (1) Set respiratory therapy licensure fees, including, but not limited to, application, initial, renewal, and reinstatement fees. (2) Establish and publish minimum standards of continuing education of respiratory therapy in accordance with those standards developed and accepted by the […]
Section 34-27B-5 State Board of Respiratory Therapy – Creation; composition; liability of members; terms; meetings; expense reimbursement and per diem allowance. (a)(1) The Alabama State Board of Respiratory Therapy is created to implement and administer this chapter and shall be composed of six members appointed by the Governor. Three of the members shall be respiratory […]
Section 34-27B-6 Trust fund. There is established a separate special trust fund in the State Treasury to be known as the Alabama State Board of Respiratory Therapy Fund. All funds received by the board shall be deposited into the fund and shall be expended only to implement and administer this chapter. No monies shall be […]
Section 34-27B-7 Issuance, use, renewal of license; temporary license. (a) The board shall issue a respiratory therapist license to any person who meets the qualifications required by this chapter and who pays the license fee established herein. (b) Any person who is issued a license as a respiratory therapist under this chapter may use the […]
Section 34-27B-8 Disciplinary actions for unprofessional conduct; hearings; expiration of suspended license. (a) The board may refuse to renew a license, may suspend or revoke a license, may impose probationary conditions, or may impose an administrative fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500) per violation, as disciplinary actions if a licensee or applicant for […]
Section 34-27B-9 Representation as “respiratory therapist,” etc. (a) A person who does not hold a license or a temporary license as a respiratory therapist or whose license or temporary license has been suspended or revoked may not do any of the following: (1) Use in connection with the person’s practice the words “respiratory care professional,” […]