Section 34-30-20 License requirements. (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), no person may engage in the practice of social work, holding himself or herself forth as a “social worker,” a “licensed bachelor social worker,” a “licensed master social worker,” or a “licensed independent clinical social worker,” unless that person is so licensed under […]
Section 34-30-21 Exemptions from licensing requirements. (a) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent qualified physicians, surgeons, psychologists, psychotherapists, attorneys, marriage counselors, family counselors, school counselors, or members of the clergy or any other individual from doing work within the standards and ethics of their respective professions and calling; provided, that they shall […]
Section 34-30-22 Qualifications of applicants. The State Board of Social Work Examiners shall issue a license as a “licensed bachelor social worker,” a “licensed master social worker,” or a “licensed independent clinical social worker” to an applicant who satisfies all of the following requirements: (1) Is at least 19 years of age. (2) Has paid […]
Section 34-30-23 Application; initial fee; issuance. From May 23, 1977, until November 24, 1978, the Board of Social Work Examiners shall receive applications from individuals, such applications being duly notarized and sworn, which outline the applicant’s eligibility for licensure under the criteria specified in either subdivision (1), (2), or (3) of this section, accompanied by […]
Section 34-30-24 Issuance of license to persons licensed in other states. Upon receipt of an application from a person who holds a valid social workers’ license from another state of the United States which requires standards equivalent to Alabama’s for licensing and who possesses all the qualifications prescribed in Section 34-30-22, except that he or […]
Section 34-30-25 Fees. After November 24, 1978, the initial fee for a license shall be at least $50 and the fee for renewal thereof shall be at least $25. (Acts 1977, No. 652, p. 1102, §12.)
Section 34-30-26 Term; expiration date; renewal; inactive status. (a) All licenses and certificates under this chapter shall be effective when issued by the State Board of Social Work Examiners. (b) All licenses and certificates issued by the board shall expire on the last day of the month in the calendar year that is exactly two […]
Section 34-30-27 Certain persons exempt from examination. (a) Individuals licensed under Section 34-30-23 or Section 34-30-24 shall be exempt from any examination provided for in Section 34-30-22, subdivision (3). (b) Any person who meets the following listed conditions shall be issued a certification as a “licensed certified social worker” without a written examination by the […]
Section 34-30-28 Display; effect. The license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be displayed in the licensee’s principal place of practice, and shall entitle the licensee to hold himself or herself forth to the public as providing services as authorized by this chapter. (Acts 1977, No. 652, p. 1102, §5.)
Section 34-30-29 Supervision of licensed bachelor social workers. Effective January 1, 1984, and thereafter, each person licensed under this chapter as a licensed bachelor social worker who has received two years or more of continuing supervision from a licensed graduate social worker or a licensed certified social worker may engage in the practice of social […]
Section 34-30-30 Practice of social work in partnerships, groups, etc. Nothing contained in this chapter shall prohibit licensed independent clinical social workers from practicing social work as partners or in groups, or from pooling fees and money received either by the partnerships or groups or by the individual members thereof for professional services furnished by […]
Section 34-30-31 Professional associations. Licensed independent clinical social workers shall be permitted to form professional associations to operate in the practice of social work according to Alabama law. (Acts 1977, No. 652, p. 1102, §3; Act 2016-313, §1.)
Section 34-30-32 Merit System or Civil Service employees. Nothing contained in this chapter shall prohibit a Merit System or Civil Service employee who is employed in a social work position whose qualifications are established or determined by a regulatory board, pursuant to state or federal law, from engaging in the practice of social work. (Acts […]
Section 34-30-33 Representation to public as social worker. (a) No person may represent himself or herself as a social worker by using the title “social worker,” “licensed bachelor social worker,” “licensed master social worker,” or “licensed independent clinical social worker,” or any other title that includes such words, or by adding the letters “SW,” “LBSW,” […]