Section 34-4-20 Required. It shall be unlawful for any person, partnership, association, or corporation in any county of this state to act as an auctioneer or apprentice auctioneer, or directly or indirectly to engage or assume to engage in the auction business and act as either without first obtaining a license issued by the State […]
Section 34-4-21 Application and examination; fees; expiration, renewal of licenses; single auction license; continuing education; discharge of apprentice; change of address; inactive status. (a) Any person desiring to enter into the auction business and obtain a license as an auctioneer or apprentice auctioneer shall make written application for a license to the board. Each application […]
Section 34-4-22 Register of applicants. REPEALED IN THE 2021 REGULAR SESSION BY ACT 2021-438 EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 2021. THIS IS NOT IN THE CURRENT CODE SUPPLEMENT. (Acts 1973, No. 811, p. 1236, §12.)
Section 34-4-23 License as evidence of rights and privileges. The issuance of a license by the board shall be evidence that the person or business entity named therein is entitled to all the rights and privileges of an auctioneer or apprentice auctioneer while the license remains unrevoked or unexpired. (Acts 1973, No. 811, p. 1236, […]
Section 34-4-24 Bond required. Each application for an auctioneer’s or apprentice auctioneer’s license shall be accompanied by a bond in the amount of $10,000. The bond shall be a cash bond or a surety bond and, if the latter, shall be executed by a surety company authorized to do business in this state. The bond […]
Section 34-4-25 Licensing requirements; irrevocable consent. (a) An individual may become an auctioneer or apprentice auctioneer in this state by conforming to this chapter. If an auctioneer or apprentice auctioneer has a lawsuit or other legal action filed and pending against him or her in this or any other state, the board may not issue […]
Section 34-4-26 Mailing address. Each licensee must have a definite mailing address such as street name and number or RFD number. A post office box only will not be sufficient. (Acts 1973, No. 811, p. 1236, §19.)
Section 34-4-27 Privilege licenses. Each auctioneer shall annually pay one state license in an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250). Each auctioneer shall also annually pay a county license fee of twenty-five dollars ($25) in each county where he or she sells by auction. No privilege license shall be required for any […]
Section 34-4-28 Authority under license not transferable; duties of licensees. (a) Authority to transact business as an auctioneer under any license issued by the board shall be restricted to the person named in the license and may not inure to the benefit of any other person. (b) Where an auctioneer’s license shall be issued to […]
Section 34-4-30 Disciplinary action – Procedure for hearings; immunity of board. (a) The board may administer oaths and prescribe all necessary and reasonable rules for the conduct of a hearing. The board may take testimony of any person by deposition, with the same fees and mileage and in the same manner as prescribed by law […]
Section 34-4-31 Revocation or suspension – Resulting from judgment in damage action. Whenever any person claiming to have been injured or damaged by the gross negligence, incompetency, fraud, dishonesty, or misconduct on the part of any licensee engaging in the auction business, as herein described, shall file an action upon the claim against the licensee […]
Section 34-4-32 Effect on license of apprentice auctioneer. The revocation of an auctioneer’s license shall automatically suspend every apprentice auctioneer’s license granted to any person by virtue of his or her employment by the auctioneer whose license has been revoked. The apprentice auctioneer may retain his or her license by transferring to the employment of […]
Section 34-4-33 Appeals; costs. (a) Findings of the board with regard to the denial, suspension, or revocation of a license or the imposition of any penalty or administrative fine shall be final unless within 30 days after the date of the final order of the board, the applicant or licensee files a notice of appeal […]