Section 34-4-50 Appointment; composition; powers and duties; expenses; seal; public records. (a) The Governor shall appoint a State Board of Auctioneers to be comprised of seven auctioneer members and one consumer member. All appointments shall be for a term of five years, with each auctioneer member appointed being a resident of a different congressional district […]
Section 34-4-51 Certificates of appointment to board; legal assistance; prosecution of complaints. Each member of the board shall receive a certificate of appointment from the Governor before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his or her office. The board, or any committee thereof, shall be entitled to the services of the state Attorney […]
Section 34-4-52 Meetings; quorum. The board shall meet quarterly for the purpose of transacting business as may properly come before the board. Special meetings of the board shall be held at such times as the board may provide in the bylaws the board may adopt. A majority of the then appointed board members shall constitute […]
Section 34-4-53 Compensation of members. Members of the board shall each receive compensation in an amount of three hundred dollars ($300) per day and travel allowance as is paid to state employees for each day spent on work made necessary by this chapter. (Acts 1973, No. 811, p. 1236, §9; Acts 1988, No. 88-138, p. […]
Section 34-4-54 Record of proceedings; funds; audit. The executive director of the board shall keep a record of the proceedings of the board. The board shall deposit all the funds received and credited by the board into the State Treasury into an account hereby established to be known as the “Alabama State Board of Auctioneers […]