Section 36-29A-1 Compensation for personal injuries of state employees, etc. The Director of Finance shall have the authority to implement a program to provide compensation for employees of the state and its agencies, departments, boards, or commissions and members of the Alabama National Guard and Alabama State Defense Force while on active military service for […]
Section 36-29A-2 Costs. The costs of the program and its administration shall be paid from the funds appropriated for the operation of the several state departments, agencies, boards and commissions, to which the Director of Finance may apportion the costs. Medical costs may be managed by cooperative agreement with the State Employees’ Insurance Board. (Acts […]
Section 36-29A-3 Employee Injury Compensation Trust Fund. There is hereby established a separate special trust fund in the State Treasury to be known as the Employee Injury Compensation Trust Fund. All receipts collected under the provisions of this chapter shall be deposited in this fund and used only to carry out the provisions of this […]
Section 36-29A-4 Workers’ Compensation Law not applicable. Except as provided herein, the program implemented pursuant to this chapter is not governed by or subject to the provisions of Act 92-537, or its successor, otherwise known as the Alabama Workers’ Compensation Law or any similar law. Payments made to physicians licensed to practice medicine for services […]
Section 36-29A-5 Preretirement death benefits not affected. This chapter does not affect or repeal preretirement death benefits provided by the retirement systems or benefits provided by Sections 36-30-1 through 36-30-23. (Acts 1994, No. 94-680, p. 1308, §8.)
Section 36-29A-6 State not waiving sovereign immunity. Neither this chapter nor any part thereof shall be construed as a waiver by the state of its sovereign immunity under the Constitution of Alabama 1901. (Acts 1994, No. 94-680, p. 1308, §9.)
Section 36-29A-7 Application limitation. The program established by the Director of Finance pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the Alabama State Port Authority, nor to any educational institution, nor to any city or county board of education. (Acts 1994, No. 94-680, p. 1308, §10.)
Section 36-29A-8 Trust fund disputes. (a) As used in this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings: (1) ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE (ALJ). An independent third-party hearing officer appointed by the Chief Administrative Law Judge of the Administrative Law Judge Division (Central Panel) of the office of the Attorney General. (2) AGENCY. A department, […]
Section 36-29A-9 Duration of benefits. (a) The compensation payable under this chapter to the surviving spouse of a law enforcement officer or firefighter who dies on or after January 1, 2018, as a result of injuries received while engaged in the performance of his or her duties shall continue upon remarriage. (b) The compensation payable […]