Section 38-5-1 Amount of assistance. Any applicant who qualifies under the provisions of this chapter shall be entitled to an amount of assistance, which, when added to the income of the applicant from all other sources, equals $125.00 per month; provided, that any income or resources permitted to be disregarded by the laws of the […]
Section 38-5-2 To whom assistance payable. Assistance to the blind shall be payable under this chapter to or on behalf of any person: (1) Who shall comply with the other requirements of this chapter; and (2) Has not sufficient income and resources to provide a reasonable subsistence compatible with decency and health, as further provided […]
Section 38-5-3 Purpose of chapter. The purpose of the provisions of this chapter is to relieve blind persons from the distress of poverty, to promote self-care, to enlarge the economic opportunities of the blind and to stimulate the blind to greater efforts in striving to render themselves self-supporting. (Acts 1963, No. 574, p. 1195, §1.)
Section 38-5-4 Property which may be retained by applicant. An applicant may retain personal or real property owned by him or in combination with any other person without reference to its value if it serves to provide the applicant with a home. Real property owned by the applicant or in combination with his spouse which […]
Section 38-5-5 Aid inalienable; cost of hospitalization, medical care, etc., not to constitute a lien on property of recipient. All aid given as public assistance for the blind shall be absolutely inalienable by any assignment, sale, attachment, execution or otherwise; and, in case of bankruptcy, the assistance shall not pass through any trustee or other […]
Section 38-5-6 Relatives not legally liable for support, hospital and medical care, etc. No relative shall be held legally liable to support or to contribute to the support of any applicant for or recipient of assistance under this chapter. No relative shall be held liable to defray in whole or in part the cost of […]
Section 38-5-7 Conflicts with Social Security Act. Should any portion, section or clause of this chapter be declared or adjudicated to be contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of the Social Security Act, as amended, that portion, section or clause of this chapter shall have no further force or effect. (Acts 1963, No. 574, […]