Section 38-7-1 – Short Title.
Section 38-7-1 Short title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Child Care Act of 1971. (Acts 1971, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 174, p. 4423, §1.)
Section 38-7-1 Short title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Child Care Act of 1971. (Acts 1971, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 174, p. 4423, §1.)
Section 38-7-10 License to operate or conduct child-care facility – Investigation of operation without license; report to attorney general for prosecution. Whenever the department is advised or has reason to believe that any person, group of persons or corporation is operating a child-care facility without a license or an approval or a six-month permit, it […]
Section 38-7-11 Inspection of facilities. The department shall have the right and its authorized representatives shall be afforded reasonable opportunity, to inspect any child-care facility seeking a license or an approval or a six-month permit pursuant to this chapter, any child-care facility seeking a renewal of a license or an approval or a six-month permit […]
Section 38-7-12 Advertisements. A child-care facility licensed or approved or operating under a six-month permit issued by the department may publish advertisements of the services for which it is specifically licensed or approved or issued a permit under this chapter. No person, unless licensed or approved or holding a permit as a child-care facility, may […]
Section 38-7-13 Records to be kept by child-care facility; use and disclosure of information. Every child-care facility shall keep and maintain such records as the department may prescribe pertaining to the admission, progress, health and discharge of children under the care of the facility. Records regarding children and facts learned about children and their relatives […]
Section 38-7-14 Reports by child-care facility. Every child-care facility shall make reports to the department on forms prescribed by the department and at times required by the department, giving information pertaining to the children under care and such other facts as the department may require. (Acts 1971, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 174, p. 4423, §14.)
Section 38-7-14.1 Educational information on influenza disease and vaccine. (a) Not later than September 1, annually, each day care center shall provide educational information on influenza disease to the parent or legal guardian of each enrolled child. The educational information shall include, but need not be limited to, the causes and symptoms of influenza and […]
Section 38-7-15 Conditions precedent to bringing child into state for purposes of adoption or placement in child-care facility. (a) No person or agency shall bring or send any child into the State of Alabama for the purpose of placing him or procuring his adoption or placing him in any child-care facility, as defined herein, without […]
Section 38-7-16 Penalties; burden of proof of relationship. Any person, group of persons, association or corporation who: (1) Conducts, operates or acts as a child-care facility without a license, or a six-month permit or an approval to do so in violation of the provisions of this chapter; (2) Makes materially false statements in order to […]
Section 38-7-17 Duty of district attorney to enforce chapter or prosecute violations. It shall be the duty of every district attorney or assistant district attorney within the circuit, county or other territory for which he is elected or appointed to institute action for the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter or to prosecute action […]
Section 38-7-18 Mandatory state subsidized child day-care services program. (a) There is hereby provided a mandatory state subsidized child day-care services program within the Department of Human Resources for a minimum average of 6,500 eligible children at not less than the current Department of Human Resources payment rates for a payment-to-provider cost of not less […]
Section 38-7-19 Powers of department as to transitional living facilities. The Department of Human Resources may contract for utility services, purchase real or personal property, or enter into lease agreements for and may operate residences to be used as transitional living facilities to provide transitional living program services to an eligible child as defined in […]
Section 38-7-2 Definitions. MENDED BY ACT 2021-225 IN THE 2021 REGULAR SESSION, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2021. THIS IS NOT IN THE CURRENT CODE SUPPLEMENT. Terms used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meanings ascribed to them in this section. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense […]
Section 38-7-20 Employment in day care center of individual under 19 years of age with certain credentials. Nothing in this chapter shall preclude an individual under the age of 19 years who has graduated from a high school with a Child Development Associate Credential from being employed by a day care center and counted in […]
Section 38-7-21 Licensing of church, religious nonprofit entity, or religious nonprofit school to operate as licensed day care center. A church, religious nonprofit entity, or religious nonprofit school that has been operating a day care center or preschool program without a license prior to March 21, 2018 that chooses to become a licensed day care […]
Section 38-7-3 License to operate or conduct child-care facility – Requirements; recordkeeping; parental notifications, etc.; affidavits; inspections and investigations. (a) No person, group of persons, or corporation may operate or conduct any facility for child care, as defined in this chapter, without being licensed or approved as provided in this chapter. (b)(1) Except as provided […]
Section 38-7-4 License to operate or conduct child-care facility – Application; investigation; application to operate foster family home may be made to licensed child-placing agency. Any person, group of persons or corporation who or which receives children or arranges for care or placement of one or more children unrelated to the operator shall apply for […]
Section 38-7-5 License to operate or conduct child-care facility – Issuance and term; temporary permits; provisional approval of home; preferential treatment of family members concerning placement of children. (a) Licenses or approvals shall be issued in such form and manner as prescribed by the department and are valid for two years from the date issued, […]
Section 38-7-6 License to operate or conduct child-care facility – Renewal; reexamination; renewal of approval of boarding home. (a) A licensed or approved child-care facility operating under this chapter shall apply for renewal of its license or approval, the application to be made to the department on forms prescribed by it; provided, however, that application […]
Section 38-7-7 License to operate or conduct child-care facility – Department to establish minimum standards for licensing; factors to be considered; children in need of special treatment; department to offer consultation. (a) The department shall prescribe and publish minimum standards for licensing and for approving all child-care facilities, as defined in this chapter. In establishing […]