Section 41-6-30 Gifts or donations of money to Department of Archives and History to be deposited in State Treasury to credit of department. Unless otherwise provided, in accordance with Section 41-6-50, whenever any gift or donation of money from any source is made to the Department of Archives and History of this state, the same […]
Section 41-6-31 Endowment fund established; composition; expenditure; investment of fund. The principal amount of such gift or donation shall be set aside by the State Treasurer in a special fund designated: “Endowment Fund – Department of Archives and History,” and moneys so deposited shall constitute an endowment fund for said department. In no event shall […]
Section 41-6-32 Interest accruing, earned or paid from investment of fund appropriated to department; expenditure thereof. The interest accrued, earned or paid as the result of investment of said endowment fund is hereby appropriated to said Department of Archives and History and shall be used by said department only for such purposes as its trustees […]
Section 41-6-33 Lease, sale, etc., of gifts or donations of real property authorized; disposition of proceeds from sale or rent. Should any gift or donation to said department be in the form of real property, it may be leased, rented or sold in the discretion of said board of trustees, but the sum received as […]
Section 41-6-34 Perpetuation or memorialization of names of certain donors. Should any gift or donation by any person amount in value to as much as $5,000.00, said board of trustees is hereby authorized to perpetuate or memorialize the name of the persons making such gift or donation by designating any property or project or material […]