Section 45-50-20 Legislative findings. (a) The Legislature of Alabama is cognizant of Opinion of the Justices No. 376, issued April 9, 2002, which states that a local bill for Cherokee County “purporting to allow by local law the creation of a traffic in alcohol that does not presently exist in smaller municipalities in Cherokee County, […]
Section 45-50-20.01 Classification of municipalities as wet or dry. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, including, but not limited to, Chapter 2A of Title 28, and pursuant to authority to regulate the liquor traffic granted by Section 104 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, the electors of an incorporated municipality located in Monroe County […]
Section 45-50-20.02 Municipal option election. (a) Upon petition of 25 percent of the number of voters voting in the last general election of the municipality having a population of not less than 5,000 inhabitants being filed with the city or town clerk or governing body of the municipality, the governing body shall call a municipal […]