A. There is hereby established within the Department of Juvenile Justice the Virginia Juvenile Justice Information System which shall operate separate and apart from the Central Criminal Records Exchange. B. The Director of the Department of Juvenile Justice is authorized to employ such personnel, establish such offices, acquire such equipment and use such available equipment […]
A. The Virginia Juvenile Justice Information System shall receive, classify and file data reported to it pursuant to § 16.1-224. The Director is authorized to prepare and furnish to all court service personnel automated data processing equipment, which shall be used for making the data submissions. B. Data stored in the Virginia Juvenile Justice Information […]
A. All court service units serving juvenile and domestic relations district courts shall make data submissions to the Virginia Juvenile Justice Information System of any persons referred to an intake officer of a court service unit pursuant to § 16.1-260, except that no data submission shall be required for a juvenile charged with a traffic […]
Any person who knowingly and willfully violates the provisions of this chapter which require confidentiality of such records shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor. 1976, c. 589; 1977, c. 360; 1988, c. 541.