A. The Secretary, in coordination with local election officials, shall implement a free-access system by which a voter may determine: 1. Whether the voter’s application for an absentee ballot has been received and accepted; and 2. Whether the voter’s absentee ballot has been received and the current status of the absentee ballot. B. The electoral […]
A. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the governing body of each county or city shall establish one or more central absentee voter precincts in the courthouse or other public buildings for the purpose of receiving, counting, and recording absentee ballots cast in the county or city. A central absentee voter precinct shall be made […]
The provisions of this section shall apply in the case of an emergency that will not allow sufficient time for the distribution and handling of absentee ballot applications and absentee ballots, in accordance with the procedures of this title, for qualified voters who are unable to vote in person because of the emergency. The Commissioner […]