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§ 29.1-700. Definitions

As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning: “Motorboat” means any vessel propelled by machinery whether or not the machinery is the principal source of propulsion. “No wake” means operation of a motorboat at the slowest possible speed required to maintain steerage and headway. “Operate” means to navigate or otherwise […]

§ 29.1-701.1. Authority of Board to set fees

Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, the Board may by regulation adopt revisions in the fees, as it deems appropriate, charged for motorboat registration certificates and certificates of title under this chapter. Such license fees may be increased or decreased beginning July 1, 2004; however, no fee shall be increased or decreased more frequently […]

§ 29.1-702.1. Making false affidavit or swearing falsely, perjury; penalty

Any person who knowingly makes any false affidavit or knowingly swears to or affirms falsely any matter or thing required by this chapter or Chapter 8 (§ 29.1-800 et seq.) of this title or by the Director incidental to his administration of the boating laws shall, upon conviction, be guilty of perjury. 1990, c. 321.

§ 29.1-703. Identification numbers required; decals

Every motorboat on the waters of this Commonwealth shall be numbered except those specifically exempt in § 29.1-710. No person shall operate or give permission for the operation of any motorboat on such waters unless the motorboat is numbered in accordance with this chapter, federal law, or a federally approved numbering system of another state, […]

§ 29.1-703.1. Temporary registration certificate; fee; application

A. An owner may obtain a temporary registration certificate from the Department or an authorized agent of the Department. The fee for the temporary registration certificate shall be ten dollars. Each temporary registration certificate issued shall be valid for a period of thirty days from the date of issuance. To qualify for a temporary registration […]

§ 29.1-704. Recording previously awarded numbers

The owner of any motorboat already covered by a number in effect which has been awarded to it pursuant to then operative federal law or pursuant to a federally approved numbering system of another state shall record the number prior to operating the motorboat on the waters of this Commonwealth in excess of the ninety-day […]

§ 29.1-705. Change of ownership of motorboat; lost certificates

Should the ownership of a numbered motorboat change, a new application form with the appropriate fee as provided in § 29.1-702 shall be filed with the Department, and a new certificate bearing the same number shall be awarded in the manner as provided for in an original award of number. If the registration of the […]

§ 29.1-706. Agents awarding numbers

The Director may award any certificate of number directly or may authorize any person to act as an agent to make award. Persons accepting such authorization may be assigned a block of numbers and certificates which upon award, in conformity with this chapter and with any rules and regulations of the Board, shall be valid […]

§ 29.1-707. Records

All records of the Department made or kept pursuant to this section shall be public records and shall be open for inspection subject to conditions the Board may prescribe. The Director shall furnish, without cost, the annual lists of boat registrations, as of January 1, to the commissioners of revenue of each county or city, […]

§ 29.1-708. Transfer, destruction or abandonment of motorboat

The owner shall furnish the Department with notice of (i) the transfer of all or any part of his interest other than the creation of a security interest in a motorboat numbered in Virginia pursuant to § 29.1-702 or § 29.1-704 or (ii) the destruction or abandonment of such motorboat, within fifteen days thereof. Such […]

§ 29.1-709. Change of address of certificate holder

Any holder of a certificate of number shall notify the Department within fifteen days if his address appearing on the certificate changes, and he shall furnish the Department with his new address. The Board may provide in its rules and regulations for the surrender of the certificate bearing the former address and for certificate replacements […]

§ 29.1-710. Exemption from numbering requirements

A motorboat shall not be required to be numbered under this chapter if it is: 1. A motorboat which has been awarded a number pursuant to federal law or a federally approved numbering system of another state if the boat has been within the Commonwealth for less than ninety consecutive days. 2. A motorboat from […]

§ 29.1-711. Dealers and manufacturers of motorboats

The following shall apply to dealers and manufacturers: 1. The registering and numbering requirements of this chapter shall apply to dealers and manufacturers of motorboats. 2. Applications for certificates of number shall be made on the approved application form prescribed in this chapter. Dealers and manufacturers shall certify that they are dealers or manufacturers. 3. […]