For the purposes of this article, “allocation” means a commitment to expend funds available for construction during each fiscal year. Funds that cannot be expended as allocated within each fiscal year shall be identified as part of future commitments, and the reason for the failure to spend allocations shall be specifically included in the annual […]
A. The Department shall develop asset management practices in the operation and maintenance of the systems of state highways. Such practices shall include a transparent methodology for the allocation of funds from the Highway Maintenance and Operating Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-1530 to highway systems maintenance and operations programs, including the allocations among the […]
A. The Board shall, with the assistance of the Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment, conduct a comprehensive review of statewide transportation needs in a Statewide Transportation Plan setting forth assessment of capacity needs for all corridors of statewide significance, regional networks, and improvements to promote urban development areas established pursuant to § 15.2-2223.1. The […]
A. The Board shall develop and update as needed a Statewide Pedestrian Policy. The Board shall: 1. Provide opportunities for receipt of comments, suggestions, and information from local governments, business and civic organizations, and other concerned parties; 2. Identify and evaluate needs at statewide, regional, and local levels for additional facilities required to promote pedestrian […]
The Board, in cooperation with other local, regional, or statewide agencies and entities vested with transportation planning responsibilities, shall establish specific mobility goals for addressing the transportation needs of populations with limited mobility, including the elderly, persons with disabilities that limit their mobility, persons not served by any form of mass transit, and those who, […]
Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this Code, the Board has the authority to provide, from revenues available for construction programs pursuant to § 33.2-358, except for revenues pledged to secure any bonds issued for transportation purposes, for exceptionally heavy expenditures for repairs or replacements made necessary by highway damage resulting from extraordinary accidents, vandalism, weather […]
A. From revenues made available by the General Assembly and appropriated for the improvement, construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of the systems of state highways, the Board may make an equivalent matching allocation to any locality for designations by the governing body of up to $5 million for use by the locality to improve, construct, maintain, […]
A. The Board shall allocate each year from all funds made available for highway purposes such amount as it deems reasonable and necessary for the maintenance of roads within the Interstate System, the primary state highway system, and the secondary state highway system and for city and town street maintenance payments made pursuant to § […]
A. Funds from the highway construction district grant programs established pursuant to § 33.2-371 shall be allocated for the improvement of nonsurface treated secondary highways that carry 50 or more vehicles per day. Funds shall be deducted from the allocation made to each highway construction district pursuant to subsection D of § 33.2-371 and such […]
Until July 1, 2020, after making the allocations provided for in subsection B of § 33.2-358, a fund shall be established for matching federal-aid interstate funds. This fund shall be established annually by allocating to it all federal-aid interstate matching funds needed for the year. 1985, c. 42, § 33.1-23.1:2; 2014, c. 805; 2015, c. […]
Repealed by Acts 2015, ch. 684, cl. 5.
If the construction of a U.S. Route 29 bypass around any city located in any county that both (i) is located outside Planning District 8 and (ii) operates under the county executive form of government is not constructed because of opposition from a metropolitan planning organization, and the Federal Highway Administration requires the Commonwealth to […]
Repealed by Acts 2015, ch. 684, cl. 5.
The Board shall allocate, use, and distribute the proceeds of any bonds it is authorized to issue on or after July 1, 2007, pursuant to subdivision 10 of § 33.2-1701, as follows: 1. A minimum of 20 percent of the bond proceeds shall be used for transit capital as further described in § 33.2-1526.2. 2. […]
Pursuant to subsection A of § 33.2-358, the Board shall make the following payments to counties that have withdrawn or elect to withdraw from the secondary state highway system under the provisions of § 11 of Chapter 415 of the Acts of Assembly of 1932 and that have not elected to return: to any county […]
In allocating highway funds, the Board may use such funds for highway aid to mass transit facilities when such use will best accomplish the purpose of serving the transportation needs of the greatest number of people. Highway aid to mass transit may be accomplished by (i) using highway funds to aid in paying transit operating […]
For transportation construction projects valued in excess of $100 million, the Commissioner of Highways shall require that a financial plan be prepared and presented to the Board for its review. This plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (i) a complete cost estimate for all major project elements, (ii) an implementation plan […]
A. As used in this section, “state of good repair purposes” means improvement of deficient pavement conditions and improvement of structurally deficient bridges. B. The Board shall use funds allocated in § 33.2-358 and § 58.1-1741 to state of good repair purposes for reconstruction and replacement of structurally deficient state and locally owned bridges and […]
A. As used in this section, “high-priority projects” means those projects of regional or statewide significance, such as projects that reduce congestion or increase safety, accessibility, environmental quality, or economic development. B. The Board shall establish a high-priority projects program and shall use funds allocated in § 33.2-358 to the program for projects and strategies […]
A. As used in this section: “Land area” means the total land area of the counties within a highway construction district reduced by the area of any military reservations and state or national parks or forests within its boundaries and such other similar areas and facilities of five square miles in area or more, as […]