The Board may acquire by purchase, condemnation, or gift any ferry within the Commonwealth that forms a connecting link in a state highway and may purchase all equipment and other things necessary for the establishment of new ferries to become connecting links in the primary or secondary state highway system, whenever it shall determine such […]
The public free ferry across the Corrotoman River, in the County of Lancaster, authorized by Chapter 156 of the Acts of Assembly of 1847, shall be kept according to such act, except as otherwise provided in this section. The Circuit Court of Lancaster may have the contract for keeping the same let to the lowest […]
When an act is passed to authorize the erection of a toll bridge, if the work is not commenced within one year from the passage of such act or is not completed within two years after such commencement or if, after its completion, there is an abandonment of the toll bridge or a failure for […]
Every toll bridge shall be made so as not to obstruct the passage of fish or the navigation of the watercourse over which it is erected. Code 1950, § 33-216; 1970, c. 322, § 33.1-256; 2014, c. 805.
Tolls shall be received for passing a bridge only after it appears to the circuit court of the county where the bridge is located that the bridge is completed according to the act authorizing it. The court shall ascertain whether it is so completed by appointing three disinterested freeholders to view it. If they report […]
A. The circuit court of any county in which there is a toll bridge or its approaches, or the circuit court of any county in which lies any part of any toll bridge or bridges or their approaches belonging to the same proprietor, but which toll bridge or bridges or their approaches lie in more […]
No toll bridge erected after March 19, 1928, shall be constructed, maintained, or operated across, in, or over any navigable waters in or of the Commonwealth, anything in the charter of any company to the contrary notwithstanding, unless a permit is first obtained from the Board. The Board may grant or withhold such permit or […]
Detailed plans, estimates, and specifications shall be submitted to the Board for approval before construction is commenced on a toll bridge or approaches under a permit granted under § 33.2-606. No such toll bridge shall be constructed until such plans, estimates, and specifications are approved by the Board. Access to such work shall be granted […]
In addition to the power of eminent domain as provided by law for highways in the primary state highway system, the Commonwealth, acting through the Commissioner of Highways, may purchase any such toll bridge and the approaches thereto with the real estate and tangible personal property necessary for their proper operation, at such time as […]
In the event a toll bridge, at the time it is purchased by the Commonwealth under the provisions of §§ 33.2-602 through 33.2-610, is not on the line of a highway then in one of the systems of state highways, the Commissioner of Highways may convey such toll bridge and approaches and other property to […]
Nothing contained in §§ 33.2-606 through 33.2-609 shall be construed to apply to any bridge existing or under construction on March 20, 1928, or to bridges constructed within or adjacent to towns or cities having a population of more than 3,500. Code 1950, § 33-226; 1970, c. 322, § 33.1-266; 2014, c. 805.
A. In order to provide an incentive for motorists to travel at off-peak hours, and in accordance with federal requirements, wherever a toll is imposed and collected by the Department or such other entity as may be responsible for imposing or collecting such toll, the amount of such toll may vary according to the time […]
Except for those persons exempted from tolls under § 33.2-613, it shall be unlawful for the Department or any employee thereof to give or permit free passage over any toll bridge, tunnel, or ferry that has been secured through the issuance of revenue bonds and which bonds are payable from the revenues of such project. […]
A. Upon presentation of a toll pass issued pursuant to regulations promulgated by the Board, the following persons may use all toll bridges, toll ferries, toll tunnels, and toll roads in the Commonwealth without the payment of toll while in the performance of their official duties: 1. The Commissioner of Highways; 2. Members of the […]
A. Neither the Department nor any other operator of any toll bridge, toll road, or other toll facility nor any employee or contractor with the Department or other toll facility operator shall disclose any information derived from an automated electronic toll collection system about the time, date, or frequency of use or nonuse of any […]
For the purpose of electronic notification of unpaid tolls, the Department shall request email addresses and personal cell phone numbers from all holders of an account for an electronic toll collection device that is the property of the Commonwealth. The Department shall electronically notify a holder of an account for an electronic toll collection device […]
A. The Department shall establish a method by which holders of an account for an electronic toll collection device that is the property of the Commonwealth may opt to make a voluntary contribution to the DRIVE SMART Virginia Education Fund through electronic means. B. There is hereby created in the state treasury a special nonreverting […]