As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning: “Commission” means the governing body of a local transportation improvement district created pursuant to this chapter. “Cost” means all or any part of the following: 1. Acquisition, construction, reconstruction, alteration, landscaping, utilities, parking, conservation, remodeling, equipping, or enlarging of transportation improvements or any […]
A. A district may be created in a county by a resolution of the governing body. Any such resolution shall be considered only upon the petition, to the governing body, of the owners of at least 51 percent of either the land area or the assessed value of real property that (i) is within the […]
The powers of a district created pursuant to this chapter shall be exercised by a commission. The commission shall consist of four members of the governing body, appointed by the governing body, plus one member of the town council of any participating town, appointed by the town council of the participating town. In addition to […]
The commission may: 1. Expend district revenues to construct, reconstruct, alter, improve, or expand transportation improvements and make loans or otherwise provide for the cost of transportation improvements and for financial assistance to operate transportation improvements in the district for the use and benefit of the public. 2. Acquire by gift, purchase, lease, in-kind contribution […]
Within 30 days after the establishment of a district under this chapter, the governing body shall appoint six members to a district advisory board, and the town council of any participating town shall appoint two members to that board. Three of the six members appointed by the governing body shall be chosen by the governing […]
Upon the written request of the commission made to the governing body, the governing body may levy and collect an annual special improvements tax on taxable real estate zoned for commercial or industrial use or used for such purposes and taxable leasehold interests in that portion of the improvement district within its jurisdiction. For the […]
A. In addition to any other power conferred by this chapter, the district may contract with the Commonwealth Transportation Board for the Commonwealth Transportation Board to perform any of the purposes of the district. The district may agree by contract to pay all or a portion of the special improvements tax to the Commonwealth Transportation […]
A. For any real property within the district for which a county or participating town changes its zoning classification from one that is subject to the special improvements tax authorized by § 33.2-2106 to a classification that is not subject to that tax, the county or participating town shall require the simultaneous payment from the […]
Neither the creation of a district nor any other provision in this chapter shall affect the power, jurisdiction, or duties of the respective local governing bodies of any county or participating town; sheriffs; treasurers; commissioners of the revenue; circuit, district, or other courts; clerks of any court; magistrates; or any other local or state officer […]
The governing body or the town council of a participating town in which a district has been created pursuant to this chapter may advance funds or provide matching funds from money not otherwise specifically allocated or obligated. Such funds may be received or generated from whatever source, including general revenues, special fees and assessments, state […]
To the extent that a county or participating town has made advances to the district, the commission shall direct the district treasurer to reimburse the county or participating town from any district funds not otherwise specifically allocated or obligated. 2001, c. 611, § 33.1-440; 2014, c. 805.
Any district created pursuant to this chapter may enter into agreements with counties, cities, and towns or other political subdivisions of the Commonwealth, with the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, or with the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority for joint or cooperative action in accordance with the standards and procedures set forth in § 15.2-1300. 2001, […]
No pecuniary liability of any kind shall be imposed upon the Commonwealth or any county, city, or town or landowner therein because of any act, agreement, contract, tort, malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance by or on the part of a district or its agents, servants, or employees. 2001, c. 611, § 33.1-442; 2014, c. 805.
The district may not construct or improve a transportation improvement without the approval of the Commonwealth Transportation Board, the county in which the transportation improvement will be located, and, with respect to any improvements located within a participating town, its town council. At the request of the commission, the Commissioner of Highways may exercise the […]
The district shall be enlarged by resolution of the governing body upon the petitions of the district commission and the owners of at least 51 percent of either the land area or the assessed value of real property of the district and of at least 51 percent of either the land area or assessed value […]
A. Any district created pursuant to this chapter may be abolished by resolutions passed by the governing body and the town council of any participating town, upon the joint petition of the commission and the owners of at least 51 percent of the land area located within the district. Joint petitions shall: 1. State whether […]
This chapter shall constitute complete authority for the district to take the actions authorized by this chapter. This chapter, being necessary for the welfare of the Commonwealth and its inhabitants, shall be liberally construed to effect its purposes. Any court test concerning the validity of any bonds that may be issued for transportation improvements made […]