There is hereby created a political subdivision of the Commonwealth known as the Charlottesville-Albemarle Regional Transit Authority, for purposes of this chapter referred to as “the Authority.” 2009, c. 645, § 15.2-7023; 2014, c. 805.
The Authority is hereby granted all powers necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this chapter, including the power and authority to: 1. Prepare a regional transit plan for all or a portion of the areas located within the boundaries of each member locality. The regional transit plan may include all or portions […]
The Authority shall initially embrace the City of Charlottesville and all or such portions of the County of Albemarle as its governing body desires to have included. The City of Charlottesville and the County of Albemarle shall be the initial members of the Authority upon adoption of an approving ordinance or resolution by each of […]
The Counties of Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, and Nelson may join the Authority, and the Authority shall embrace all or such portions as the governing body of each county desires to have covered. Additionally, private nonprofit tourist-driven agencies, higher education facilities of the Charlottesville-Albemarle area, and public transportation agencies serving such counties may join the Authority. […]
The Authority shall be governed by a board of directors, for purposes of this chapter referred to as the “Authority Board,” which shall consist of the following: 1. Two directors representing the County of Albemarle, each of whom shall be a member of the governing body of the county; 2. Two directors representing the City […]
The Authority shall employ an executive director and such staff as it shall determine to be necessary to carry out its duties and responsibilities under this chapter. No such person shall contemporaneously serve as a director of the Authority Board. The Department of Transportation and the Department of Rail and Public Transportation shall make their […]
A majority of the Authority Board shall constitute a quorum. Decisions of the Authority Board shall require a quorum and shall be in accordance with voting procedures established by the Authority. 2009, c. 645, § 15.2-7029; 2014, c. 805.
The administrative expenses of the Authority, as provided in an annual budget adopted by the Authority, to the extent funds for such expenses are not provided from other sources, shall be allocated among the participating counties, city, agencies, institutions, and facilities pursuant to a funding formula as duly adopted by the Authority. 2009, c. 645, […]
The directors of the Authority Board may be paid for their services in either (i) the amount provided in the general appropriation act for members of the General Assembly engaged in legislative business between sessions or (ii) a lesser amount as determined by the Authority. Directors of the Authority Board may be reimbursed for all […]
The Authority may form advisory committees to assist the Authority. 2009, c. 645, § 15.2-7032; 2014, c. 805.
In addition to other powers granted in this chapter, the Authority shall have the following duties and responsibilities: 1. Providing general oversight of Charlottesville-Albemarle area programs involving mass transit or congestion mitigation; 2. Providing long-range transit planning in the Charlottesville-Albemarle area, both financially constrained and unconstrained; 3. Recommending to federal, state, and regional agencies regional […]
A member of the Authority may withdraw from the participation in and the obligations of the Authority by a resolution or an ordinance of its governing body, and pursuant to such conditions and procedures adopted by the Authority. However, if the Authority has any outstanding bonds or other debt, no member may withdraw from the […]
Whenever the Authority Board by resolution determines that the purposes for which the Authority was formed have been substantially complied with and all bonds issued and all obligations incurred by the Authority have been fully paid or adequate provisions have been made for the payment, the Authority Board shall execute and file for record with […]