A. The Commission may refuse to issue a license to any domestic, foreign or alien insurer to transact the business of insurance in this Commonwealth, and may suspend or revoke the license of any licensee, whenever it finds that the applicant or licensee: 1. Has refused to submit its books, papers, accounts, or affairs to […]
The Commission shall not revoke or suspend the license of any insurer to do the business of insurance in this Commonwealth upon any of the grounds set out in § 38.2-1040 until it has given the insurer ten days’ notice of the reasons for the proposed revocation or suspension and has given the insurer an […]
Upon the suspension or revocation of the license of any insurer, the Commission shall suspend or revoke the authority of the insurer’s agents in this Commonwealth to act for the insurer. 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-101; 1986, c. 562.
Unless an appeal is taken within thirty days, the Commission shall have published in one or more newspapers having general circulation in this Commonwealth a notice of any final order that suspends or revokes the license of an insurer. Code 1950, §§ 38-68, 38-133, 38-169; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-102; 1986, c. 562.
No new business shall be done by any insurer or its agents on behalf of that insurer while its license to do business is suspended or revoked. Code 1950, §§ 38-68, 38-135; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-103; 1986, c. 562.