A. Two or more surface magazines shall be provided for the storage of explosives and the separate storage of detonators. B. Every surface magazine for storing and distributing explosives in an amount exceeding 150 pounds shall be: 1. Reasonably bullet-resistant and constructed of incombustible material or covered with fire-resistant material. The roof of a magazine […]
A. Every misfire shall be reported promptly to the mine foreman, and no other work shall be performed in the blasting area until the hazard has been corrected. A waiting period of at least 15 minutes is required before anyone is allowed to any misfired hole. If explosives are suspected of burning in a hole, […]
A. If explosives are in use on the surface and an electrical storm approaches, all persons shall be removed from the blast area until the storm has passed. B. In accordance with the standards set forth in § 45.2-902, the Chief shall adopt regulations regarding the safe storage, transportation, handling, and use of blasting agents […]