As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning: “Antenna” means communications equipment that transmits or receives electromagnetic radio signals used in the provision of any type of wireless communications services. “Co-locate” means to install, mount, maintain, modify, operate, or replace a wireless facility on, under, within, or adjacent to a base […]
A. No locality or the Department shall impose on wireless services providers or wireless infrastructure providers any restrictions or requirements concerning the use of the public rights-of-way, including the permitting process, the zoning process, notice, time and location of excavations and repair work, enforcement of the statewide building code, and inspections, that are unfair, unreasonable, […]
A. Upon application by a wireless services provider or wireless infrastructure provider, the Department shall issue a districtwide permit, consistent with applicable regulations that do not conflict with this chapter, granting access to public rights-of-way that it operates and maintains to install and maintain small cell facilities on existing structures in the rights-of-way. The application […]
A. Upon application by a wireless services provider or wireless infrastructure provider, a locality may issue a permit granting access to the public rights-of-way it operates and maintains to install and maintain small cell facilities on existing structures. Such a permit shall grant access to all rights-of-way in the locality for the purpose of installing […]
Subject to any applicable requirements of Article VII, Section 9 of the Constitution of Virginia, public right-of-way permits or agreements for the construction of wireless support structures issued on or after July 1, 2017, shall be for an initial term of at least 10 years, with at least three options for renewal for terms of […]
A. If the Commonwealth or a locality agrees to permit a wireless services provider or a wireless infrastructure provider to attach small cell facilities to government-owned structures, both the government entity and the wireless services or wireless infrastructure provider shall negotiate in good faith to arrive at a mutually agreeable contract terms and conditions. B. […]
A. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, there is hereby established an annual wireless support structure public rights-of-way use fee to replace any and all fees of general application, except for permit processing, zoning, subdivision, site plan, and comprehensive plan fees of general application, otherwise chargeable to wireless services providers and wireless infrastructure providers in […]