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§ 56-585.1:5. Pilot program for underground transmission lines

A. There is hereby established a pilot program to further the understanding of underground electric transmission lines in regard to electric reliability, construction methods and related cost and timeline estimating, the probability of meeting such projections, and the benefits of undergrounding existing electric transmission lines to promote economic development within the Commonwealth. The pilot program […]

§ 56-585.1:6. Pilot Programs to deploy electric power storage batteries

A. The Commission shall establish pilot programs under which each Phase I Utility and each Phase II Utility, as such terms are defined in subdivision A 1 of § 56-585.1, shall submit a proposal to deploy electric power storage batteries. A proposal shall provide for the deployment of batteries pursuant to a pilot program that […]

§ 56-585.1:7. Pilot program for electric generation by public schools

A. The Commission shall require a Phase II Utility as defined in subdivision A 1 of § 56-585.1 to submit a proposal to the Commission to conduct a pilot program, not to exceed 10 megawatts in the aggregate, in its certificated service territory to allow any school in a public school division in the Commonwealth […]

§ 56-585.1:8. Pilot program for municipal net energy metering

A. As used in this section: “Host account” means the premises on which a municipal customer-generator’s electrical generating facility is located. “Municipal customer-generator” means a municipality that owns or operates, or that contracts with other persons to own or operate, an electrical generating facility that (i) uses as its total source of fuel renewable energy […]

§ 56-585.3. Regulation of cooperative rates after rate caps

A. After the expiration or termination of capped rates, the rates, terms and conditions of distribution electric cooperatives subject to Article 1 (§ 56-231.15 et seq.) of Chapter 9.1 shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of Chapters 9.1 (§ 56-231.15 et seq.) and 10 (§ 56-232 et seq.), as modified by the following […]

§ 56-585.4. Net energy metering transition provisions for electric cooperatives

Distribution electric cooperatives subject to Article 1 (§ 56-231.15 et seq.) of Chapter 9.1 shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of Chapters 9.1 (§ 56-231.15 et seq.) and 10 (§ 56-232 et seq.), as amended by relevant sections of this chapter and by the following provisions: 1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in […]

§ 56-585.5. Generation of electricity from renewable and zero carbon sources

A. As used in this section: “Accelerated renewable energy buyer” means a commercial or industrial customer of a Phase I or Phase II Utility, irrespective of generation supplier, with an aggregate load over 25 megawatts in the prior calendar year, that enters into arrangements pursuant to subsection G, as certified by the Commission. “Aggregate load” […]

§ 56-585.6. Universal service fee; Percentage of Income Payment Program and Fund

A. The Commission shall, after notice and opportunity for hearing, initiate a proceeding to establish the rates, terms, and conditions of a non-bypassable universal service fee to fund the Percentage of Income Payment Program (PIPP). Such universal service fee shall be allocated to retail electric customers of a Phase I and Phase II Utility on […]

§ 56-585.7. On-bill tariff program; electric cooperatives

A. As used in this section: “Cooperative” means a utility consumer services cooperative. “Eligible customer” means a member-consumer receiving service from a cooperative that (i) has asked to participate in the cooperative’s on-bill tariff program and (ii) has been determined by the cooperative to be eligible to participate in its on-bill tariff program. “Energy efficiency […]

§ 56-586. Emergency service provider

On and after January 1, 2001, if any supplier fails to fulfill an obligation, resulting in the failure of retail electric energy to be delivered into the control area serving the supplier’s retail customer, the entity fulfilling the control area function, or, if applicable, the regional transmission entity or other entity as designated by the […]

§ 56-586.1. Electric energy emergencies

A. As used in this section, “electric energy emergency” means an unplanned interruption in the generation or transmission of electricity resulting from a hurricane, ice storm, windstorm, earthquake or similar natural phenomena, or from a criminal act affecting such generation or transmission, act of war or act of terrorism, which interruption is (i) of such […]

§ 56-588. Licensing of aggregators

A. As a condition of doing business in the Commonwealth, each person seeking to act as an aggregator within this Commonwealth on and after January 1, 2002, shall obtain a license from the Commission to do so. The license shall authorize that person to act as an aggregator until the license expires or is otherwise […]

§ 56-589. Municipal and state aggregation

A. Subject to the provisions of subdivision A 3 of § 56-577, counties, cities, and towns (hereafter municipalities) and other political subdivisions of the Commonwealth may, at their election and upon authorization by majority votes of their governing bodies, aggregate electrical energy and demand requirements for the purpose of negotiating the purchase of electrical energy […]

§ 56-589.1. Energy generation by public school buildings and facilities

A. A school board of a school division located in a locality that is a non-jurisdictional customer of a utility pursuant to § 56-234 and that owns or operates a public school building or facility that has been modernized consistent with Article 3 (§ 22.1-141.1 et seq.) of Chapter 9 of Title 22.1 and generates […]

§ 56-590. Divestiture, functional separation and other corporate relationships

A. The Commission shall not require any incumbent electric utility to divest itself of any generation, transmission or distribution assets pursuant to any provision of this chapter. B. 1. The Commission shall, however, direct the functional separation of generation, retail transmission and distribution of all incumbent electric utilities in connection with the provisions of this […]

§ 56-591. Application of antitrust laws

Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to exempt or immunize from punishment or prosecution, conduct violative of federal antitrust laws, or the antitrust laws of this Commonwealth. 1999, c. 411.