No person shall construct, establish or own a horse racetrack or satellite facility where pari-mutuel wagering is permitted, unless he has obtained an owner’s license issued by the Commission in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. No person shall operate pari-mutuel wagering or conduct any race meeting at which wagering is permitted with his […]
A. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 59.1-375 or § 59.1-378 but subject to such regulations and criteria as it may prescribe, the Commission is authorized to issue limited licenses, provided such licenses shall permit any holder to conduct a race meeting or meetings for a period not to exceed 14 days in any calendar year, […]
Repealed by Acts 2009, c. 142, cl. 2.
A. Any person desiring to construct or own a horse racetrack or satellite facility where pari-mutuel wagering is permitted shall file with the Commission an application for an owner’s license. Such application shall be filed at the time and place prescribed by the Commission, and shall be in such form and contain such information as […]
A. The Commission shall consider all applications for an owner’s license and may grant a valid owner’s license to applicants who meet the criteria set forth in this chapter and established by the Commission. The Commission shall deny a license to any applicant unless it finds that the applicant’s facilities are or will be appropriate […]
A. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 59.1-391, the Commission may grant a license, for a duration to be determined by the Commission, to the owner or operator of a facility for the purpose of conducting pari-mutuel wagering on (i) thoroughbred and standard bred race meetings and (ii) simulcast horse racing at that facility in conjunction […]
No owner’s license or renewal thereof shall be granted to any corporation if the Commission finds that any principal stockholder of such stock corporation, or any member of such nonstock corporation: 1. Is or has been guilty of any illegal, corrupt or fraudulent act, conduct or practice in connection with horse racing in this or […]
A license issued under § 59.1-378 shall be for the period set by the Commission, not to be less than twenty years, but shall be reviewed annually. The Commission shall designate on the license the duration of such license, the location of such track or satellite facility or proposed track or satellite facility and such […]
A. Any person desiring to hold a race meeting or operate a satellite facility shall file with the Commission an application for an operator’s license. Such application may be made in conjunction with an application for an owner’s license, if appropriate. It shall be filed at the time and place prescribed by the Commission and […]
The Commission shall promptly consider any application for an operator’s license and grant a valid operator’s license to applicants who meet the criteria set forth in this chapter and established by the Commission. The Commission shall deny a license to any applicant, unless it finds: 1. That such applicant is a corporation organized under Title […]
A license issued under § 59.1-382 shall be for a period of twenty years from the date of issuance, but shall be reviewed annually. The Commission may, as it deems appropriate, change at the beginning of any year the dates on which the licensee is authorized to conduct a race meeting or pari-mutuel wagering. An […]
The denial of an owner’s or operator’s license by the Commission shall be final unless appealed under § 59.1-373. 1988, c. 855.
A. After a hearing with fifteen days’ notice the Commission may suspend or revoke any license, or fine the holder thereof a sum not to exceed $100,000, in any case where it has reason to believe that any provision of this chapter, or any regulation or condition of the Commission, has not been complied with […]
A. The Commission shall require any person desiring to become a partner, member or principal stockholder of any licensee to apply to the Commission for approval thereof and may demand such information of the applicant as it finds necessary. The Commission shall consider such application forthwith and shall approve or deny the application within 60 […]