§ 63.2-1500. Repealed
Repealed by Acts 2022, c. 264, cl. 2.
Repealed by Acts 2022, c. 264, cl. 2.
As used in this chapter unless the context requires a different meaning: “Court” means the juvenile and domestic relations district court of the county or city. “Prevention” means efforts that (i) promote health and competence in people and (ii) create, promote and strengthen environments that nurture people in their development. 1975, c. 341, § 63.1-248.2; […]
There is created a Child-Protective Services Unit in the Department that shall have the following powers and duties: 1. To evaluate and strengthen all local, regional and state programs dealing with child abuse and neglect. 2. To assume primary responsibility for directing the planning and funding of child-protective services. This shall include reviewing and approving […]
A. Each local department shall establish child-protective services under a departmental coordinator within such department or with one or more adjacent local departments that shall be staffed with qualified personnel pursuant to regulations adopted by the Board. The local department shall be the public agency responsible for receiving and responding to complaints and reports, except […]
The Department shall implement a child-protective services differential response system in all local departments. The differential response system allows local departments to respond to valid reports or complaints of child abuse or neglect by conducting either an investigation or a family assessment. The Department shall publish a plan to implement the child-protective services differential response […]
A. An investigation requires the collection of information necessary to determine: 1. The immediate safety needs of the child; 2. The protective and rehabilitative services needs of the child and family that will deter abuse or neglect; 3. Risk of future harm to the child; 4. Alternative plans for the child’s safety if protective and […]
A. A family assessment requires the collection of information necessary to determine: 1. The immediate safety needs of the child; 2. The protective and rehabilitative services needs of the child and family that will deter abuse or neglect; 3. Risk of future harm to the child; 4. Whether the mother of a child who was […]
A. If a report or complaint is based upon information and allegations that a child is a victim of sex trafficking or severe forms of trafficking as defined in the federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (22 U.S.C. § 7102 et seq.) and in the federal Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015 […]
All law-enforcement departments and other state and local departments, agencies, authorities and institutions shall cooperate with each child-protective services coordinator of a local department and any multi-discipline teams in the detection and prevention of child abuse. 1975, c. 341, § 63.1-248.17; 2002, c. 747.