Every officer shall endorse on each writ of fieri facias the date and time he receives the same and also when he levies upon tangible personal property of the debtor. Code 1950, § 8-420; 1977, c. 617; 2009, c. 443.
An officer into whose hands a writ of fieri facias is placed to be levied, when making a levy shall serve a copy of the writ and any attachments thereto on the judgment debtor or other responsible person at the premises where the levy is made. If no such person is present, a copy of […]
Of writs of fieri facias, that which was first delivered to the officer, though two or more be delivered on the same day, shall be first levied and satisfied, and when several such executions are delivered to the officer at the same time they shall be satisfied ratably. But if an indemnifying bond be required […]
No growing crop of any kind, not severed, shall be liable to distress or levy. Code 1950, § 8-421.1; 1977, c. 617.
Officers shall in no case make an unreasonable distress or levy. For horses, or any livestock distrained or levied on, the officer shall provide sufficient sustenance while they remain in his possession. Nothing distrained or levied on shall be removed by him out of his county or city, except that an officer distraining or levying […]
An officer into whose hands an execution is placed to be levied, may, if need be, break open the outer doors of a dwelling house in the daytime, after having first demanded admittance of the occupant, in order to make a levy, and may also levy on property in the personal possession of the debtor […]
In any case of goods and chattels which an officer shall distrain or levy on, otherwise than under an attachment, or which he may be directed to sell by an order of a court, unless such order prescribe a different course, the officer shall fix upon a time and place for the sale thereof and […]
When there is not time, on the day appointed for any such sale, to complete the same, the sale may be adjourned from day to day until completed. Code 1950, § 8-422.2; 1977, c. 617.
If, at any sale by an officer, the purchaser does not comply with the terms of sale, the officer may sell the property, either forthwith or under a new advertisement, or return that the property was not sold for want of bidders. If, on a resale, the property be sold for less than it sold […]
When an officer has received money under execution, if any surplus remain in his hands after satisfying the execution, such surplus shall be repaid to the debtor; and if the debtor, or his personal representative, obtain an injunction or supersedeas to an execution, in whole or in part, before money received under it, or any […]
No officer receiving money under execution, when the person to whom it is payable resides in a different county or city from that in which the officer resides, shall be liable to have any judgment rendered against him or his sureties for the nonpayment thereof, until a demand of payment be made of such officer […]
For the recovery of any estate on which a writ of fieri facias is a lien under this chapter, or on which the judgment on which such writ issues is a lien under Chapter 17 (§ 8.01-426 et seq.) of this title, or for the enforcement of any liability in respect to any such estate, […]
No officer of any city, town, county or constitutional officer or employee of any such city, town, county or constitutional office shall, directly or indirectly, bid on or purchase effects sold under a writ by such officer. Anyone violating this section shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Code 1950, § 8-427; 1975, c. […]
An officer receiving money under this chapter shall make return thereof forthwith to the court or the clerk’s office of the court in which the judgment is entered. For failing to do so, the officer shall be liable as if he had acted under an order of such court. After deducting from such money a […]
Every officer collecting or receiving money to be applied on any execution or other legal process, or on any claim, whether judgment has been rendered thereon or not, shall notify in writing by mail or otherwise, within thirty days after such money is received, the person entitled to receive such money, if known. Any officer […]