(1) (a) All polling locations must be open continuously from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. on election day. If a full set of election judges is not present at the hour of 7 a.m. and it is necessary for judges to be appointed to conduct the election as provided in section 1-6-113, the election may […]
(1) Eligible electors entitled to vote at an election shall be entitled to absent themselves for the purpose of voting from any service or employment in which they are then engaged or employed on the day of the election for a period of two hours during the time the polls are open. Any such absence […]
In any election where the list of registered electors and property owners is not divided by precinct or where an elector’s name is not on the list of registered electors or property owners, an affidavit signed by the eligible elector stating that the elector has not previously voted in the election may be required prior […]
(1) Each political party participating in a primary election shall be entitled to have a watcher in each precinct in the county. The state chair or the chairperson of the county central committee of each political party shall certify the persons selected as watchers on forms provided by the county clerk and recorder and submit […]
Each participating political party or issue committee whose candidate or issue is on the ballot, and each unaffiliated and write-in candidate whose name is on the ballot for a general or congressional vacancy election, is entitled to have no more than one watcher at any one time in each voter service and polling center in […]
Candidates for office in nonpartisan elections, and proponents and opponents of a ballot issue, are each entitled to appoint one person to act as a watcher in every polling place in which they are a candidate or in which the issue is on the ballot. The candidates or proponents and opponents shall certify the names […]
(1) Watchers shall take an oath administered by one of the election judges that they are eligible electors, that their name has been submitted to the designated election official as a watcher for this election, and that they will not in any manner make known to anyone the result of counting votes until the polls […]
(1) (a) When an elector appears in person to vote, a signature card containing the elector’s name and residential address, as they appear in the statewide voter registration system created in section 1-2-301, shall be completed. Unless an elector is registering for the first time or updating the elector’s voter registration information, the elector shall […]
(1) (a) If at any election, any registered elector declares to the election judges that, by reason of disability, inability to read or write, or difficulties with the English language, he or she is unable to prepare the ballot or operate the voting device or electronic voting device without assistance, the elector is entitled, upon […]
No person who assists an elector as authorized by this title shall seek to persuade or induce the eligible elector to vote in a particular manner. Source: L. 92: Entire article R&RE, p. 737, § 9, effective January 1, 1993.
(1) Eligible electors may cast a write-in vote for a candidate who has filed an affidavit of intent of write-in candidacy pursuant to section 1-4-1101 by writing the name of the person in the blank space provided for write-in candidates on the ballot. Each write-in vote may include a reasonably correct spelling of a given […]
Eligible electors shall cast their ballots without undue delay and shall leave the immediate voting area as soon as voting is complete. An eligible elector shall not enter a voting booth already occupied by another eligible elector. An eligible elector shall not occupy a voting booth for longer than the time determined by the secretary […]
(1) (a) If more than one political subdivision holds an election on the same day in November and the eligible electors for each such election are the same or the boundaries overlap, the county clerk and recorder is the coordinated election official and, pursuant to section 1-5-401, shall conduct the elections on behalf of all […]
[ Editor’s note: This section is effective July 1, 2022. ] (1) On and after January 1, 2023, a municipality located in a single county that takes formal action to conduct an election using instant runoff voting may refer the election to be conducted as part of a coordinated election, as defined in section 1-7-116, […]