Immediately before proclamation is made of the opening of the polls, the election judges shall open the ballot box in the presence of those assembled and shall turn it upside down so as to empty it of anything that may be in it and then shall lock it securely. No ballot box shall be reopened […]
Election judges shall give to each eligible elector a single ballot after issuing vote credit to the elector in the statewide voter registration system created in section 1-2-301. Source: L. 92: Entire article R&RE, p. 739, § 9, effective January 1, 1993. L. 93: Entire section amended, p. 1420, § 73, effective July 1. L. […]
No person, except an election judge as authorized by the designated election official, shall remove any ballot from the polling place or voter service and polling center before the close of the polls. Any eligible elector who spoils a ballot may obtain others, one at a time, not exceeding three in all, upon returning each […]
(1) Each eligible elector, upon receiving a ballot, shall immediately proceed unaccompanied to one of the voting booths provided. To cast a vote, the eligible elector shall clearly fill the oval, connect the arrow, or otherwise appropriately mark the name of the candidate or the names of the joint candidates of the elector’s choice for […]
(1) In precincts having counting judges, the receiving judges, at 8 a.m., or as soon thereafter as the counting judges request the ballot box, shall deliver to the counting judges the ballot box containing all ballots that have been cast up to that time, and the receiving judges shall then proceed to use the other […]
(1) The election judges shall first count the number of ballots in the box. If the ballots are found to exceed the number of names entered on each of the pollbooks, the election judges shall then examine the official endorsements. If, in the unanimous opinion of the judges, any of the ballots in excess of […]
(1) [ Editor’s note: This version of subsection (1) is effective until July 1, 2022. ] Votes cast for an office to be filled or a ballot issue to be decided shall not be counted if an elector marks more names than there are persons to be elected to an office or if for any […]