Immediately before proclamation is made of the opening of the polls, the election judges shall open the ballot box in the presence of those assembled and shall turn it upside down so as to empty it of anything that may be in it and then shall lock it securely. No ballot box shall be reopened […]
(1) Each eligible elector, upon receiving a ballot, shall immediately proceed unaccompanied to one of the voting booths provided. To cast a vote, the eligible elector shall clearly fill the oval, connect the arrow, or otherwise appropriately mark the name of the candidate or the names of the joint candidates of the elector’s choice for […]
In polling locations in which voting is on a ballot or ballot card, no person, except an election judge as authorized by the designated election official, shall remove a spoiled ballot or ballot card from the polling location before the close of the polls. Any eligible elector who spoils a ballot or ballot card may […]
(1) After the polls have been closed, the election judges shall secure the vote recorders or the voting devices, or both, against further use. (2) and (3) Repealed. Source: L. 92: Entire article R&RE, p. 746, § 9, effective January 1, 1993. L. 93: (2) amended, p. 1767, § 9, effective June 6; (2) amended, […]
(1) All proceedings at the counting centers shall be under the direction of the designated election official and the representatives of the political parties, if a partisan election, or watchers, if a nonpartisan election. No persons, except those authorized for the purpose, shall touch any ballot, ballot card, “prom” or other electronic device, or return. […]
(1) If any ballot is damaged or defective so that it cannot properly be counted by the electronic vote-counting equipment, a true duplicate copy shall be made of the damaged ballot in the presence of two witnesses. The duplicate ballot shall be substituted for the damaged ballot. Every duplicate ballot shall be clearly labeled as […]
(1) (a) An electronic or electromechanical voting system shall be tested at the conclusion of maintenance and testing. The tests shall be sufficient to determine that the voting system is properly programmed, the election is correctly defined on the voting system, and all of the voting system’s input, output, and communication devices are working properly. […]
(1) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires, “election setup records” means the electronic records generated by election tabulation software during election setup to define ballots, tabulation instructions, and other functions related to the election. (2) At the conclusion of programming and after it has been determined that a voting system is […]
(1) When a voting system provider submits an electronic or electromechanical voting system for certification pursuant to part 6 of article 5 of this title, the voting system provider shall place in escrow with the secretary of state or an independent escrow agent approved by the secretary of state one copy of the election software […]
(1) A voting system provider under contract to provide a voting system to a political subdivision in this state shall: (a) Notify the secretary of state of the installation of any hardware, firmware, or software prior to the installation or of any change in the election software or the voting system; (b) Place in escrow […]
(1) The designated election official shall maintain separate, detailed records for each component of a voting system used in an election. Such records shall include, but not be limited to, the manufacturer, make, model, serial number, hardware, firmware, software version or release number, date of acquisition, description of services, repairs, maintenance, upkeep, and version upgrades, […]
(1) (a) (I) Following each primary, general, coordinated, or congressional district vacancy election, the secretary of state shall publicly initiate a manual random audit to be conducted by each county. Unless the secretary approves an alternative method for a particular county that is based on a proven statistical sampling plan and will achieve a higher […]
(1) (a) The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that the auditing of election results is necessary to ensure effective election administration and public confidence in the election process. Further, risk-limiting audits provide a more effective manner of conducting audits than traditional audit methods in that risk-limiting audit methods typically require only limited resources […]