Individuals, partnerships, and corporations of this state, referred to in this article as “subscribers”, are authorized to exchange reciprocal or interinsurance contracts with each other, or with individuals, partnerships, and corporations of other states and countries, providing indemnity among themselves from any loss which may be insured against under other provisions of the law, excepting […]
Such contracts may be executed by an attorney, attorney-in-fact, agent, or other representative, referred to in this article as an “attorney”, duly authorized and acting for such subscribers. Each attorney or exchange doing business in this state shall be required to license each solicitor, agent, special agent, special representative, or salaried representative soliciting business in […]
Such subscribers so contracting among themselves shall through their attorney file with the commissioner of this state a declaration verified by the oath of such attorney setting forth: The name or title of the office at which such subscribers propose to exchange such indemnity contracts. Such name or title shall not be so similar to […]
Concurrently with the filing of the declaration provided for by the terms of section 10-13-103, the attorney shall file with the commissioner an instrument in writing executed by him for said subscribers, conditioned that, upon the issuance of the certificate of authority provided for in section 10-13-111, action may be brought in the county in […]
There shall be filed with the commissioner by such attorney a statement under oath showing the maximum amount of indemnity upon any single risk, and such attorney, as often as the same is required, shall file with the commissioner a statement verified by his oath to the effect that he has examined the commercial rating […]
Upon the filing of the required papers, it is the duty of the commissioner to examine and pass upon the same and, if found in accordance with this title, to issue a certificate of authority which shall expire on April 1 next succeeding. To qualify for authority to transact insurance business in this state after […]
There shall be maintained at all times an unearned premium reserve computed on a monthly or more frequent pro rata basis. The computation of this reserve shall be based upon premium deposits other than membership fees and without any deduction for expenses and the compensation of an attorney. Source: L. 13: p. 373, § 81. […]
Such attorney shall make a sworn annual report to the commissioner of the business of the preceding year ending December thirty-first, on or before the first day of March succeeding, showing that the financial condition of affairs at the office where such contracts are issued is in accordance with the standard of solvency, and shall […]
Any corporation organized under the laws of this state, in addition to the rights, powers, and franchises specified in its articles of incorporation, has full power to exchange insurance contracts of the kind and character mentioned in section 10-13-101. The right to exchange such contracts is declared to be incidental to the purposes for which […]
Any reciprocal or interinsurance exchange authorized to transact business in this state may, in its own name, purchase, take, receive, lease, or otherwise acquire, own, hold, improve, use, and otherwise deal in and with real property, or have an interest in real property, wherever situated, and may sell, convey, assign, encumber, mortgage, pledge, lease, exchange, […]
Any attorney, agent, or representative who, except for the purpose of applying for a certificate of authority, exchanges any contracts of indemnity of the kind and character specified in section 10-13-101 or directly or indirectly solicits or negotiates any application for the same without first complying with the provisions of this title is guilty of […]
Each attorney by or through whom are issued any policies of or contracts for indemnity of the character referred to in this title shall procure from the commissioner annually a certificate of authority stating that all the requirements of this title have been complied with, and, upon such compliance and the payment of the fees […]
In addition to the foregoing penalties and where not otherwise provided, the penalty for failure or refusal to comply with any provisions or terms of this title, upon the part of the attorney, shall be the refusal, suspension, or revocation of the certificate of authority by the commissioner, and publication of his act, after due […]
Except as they may be inconsistent with the provisions of this article, all other provisions of this title shall apply to interinsurance and reciprocal exchanges. Source: L. 13: p. 373, § 81. C.L. § 2554. CSA: C. 87, § 98. CRS 53: § 72-4-14. C.R.S. 1963: § 72-4-14. L. 71: p. 720, § 4. L. […]