The general assembly declares that the business of selling preneed contracts whereby the seller agrees to provide final disposition or funeral merchandise or services in the future or for future use is affected with a public interest, and the preservation of the safety and welfare of the public from unconscionable dealing requires regulation of the […]
As used in this article 15, unless the context otherwise requires: “Broker” means any contract seller who must utilize the services of a general provider to fulfill the terms of a preneed contract. (1.5) “Cash advances” means consideration which can be used at the time of need at the discretion of the contract buyer or […]
A contract seller shall not enter into a preneed contract or accept any funds or other consideration without a license from the commissioner. To be valid, an application for an initial license must be in writing, signed by the applicant, and duly verified on forms furnished by the commissioner. Each application must be accompanied by […]
This article does not apply to a person providing a developed final resting place within a designated cemetery approved for the interment, entombment, or inurnment of human remains. A person providing an undeveloped final resting place is exempt from this article if the cemetery where the undeveloped final resting place is located contains unsold developed […]
Each contract seller shall file with the commissioner a report, on a calendar year basis, on a form provided by the commissioner. In the report, each contract seller that is required to deposit funds with a trustee shall state the name of each trustee where trust funds are on deposit and the amount remaining on […]
The preneed contract shall bind the contract seller, or the heirs, assigns, or duly authorized representatives of the contract seller, to provide the services or merchandise contained in the preneed contract. The contract seller shall certify pursuant to subparagraphs (II), (III), and (IV) of this paragraph (b) with the commissioner each form of preneed contract […]
This article shall not be construed so as to impair or affect the obligation of any preexisting lawful contract. Source: L. 95: Entire article R&RE, p. 1041, § 1, effective May 25. Editor’s note: This section is similar to former § 10-15-106 as it existed prior to 1995.
If a contract seller enters into a preneed contract in which the consideration is funds, the contract seller shall deposit not less than seventy-five percent of the total preneed contract price with a trustee. The contract seller shall deposit all funds in excess of twenty-five percent of the total preneed contract price with a trustee […]
Savings and loan associations acting as trustees under the terms of this article shall invest trust funds as otherwise authorized under the laws of this state relating to the investment of funds by savings and loan associations and the federal law governing such investments, but savings and loan associations shall accept trust funds only to […]
At reasonable times, and unless the trustee is notified by the commissioner that the preneed seller is in violation of the provisions of this article or by the contract seller not to disburse trust assets, the trustee shall disburse excess trust assets to the contract seller in accordance with the terms of the preneed contract […]
Before disbursing any trust assets to discharge a preneed contract, the trustee shall determine that the amount of assets to be released does not exceed the funds trusted. If a preneed contract is canceled by the contract buyer or the contract buyer’s heirs, assigns, or duly authorized representatives, the trustee shall require a copy of […]
If a contract seller enters into a preneed contract in which the consideration is the assignment of life insurance benefits, such preneed contract shall state that all or part of such assigned funds shall be paid to the contract seller to pay for the services or merchandise, or both, included in the preneed contract. The […]
A sale of an existing preneed contract that changes who provides funeral goods and services is void unless approved by the commissioner under this section. To transfer ownership, the contract seller must report a pending sale of the preneed contract to the commissioner in writing at least fourteen days before the sale closing. The notice […]
The commissioner may, after notice and hearing as provided in article 4 of title 24, C.R.S., promulgate such rules as may be reasonably necessary for the effective administration of and not inconsistent with the provisions of this article. Source: L. 95: Entire article R&RE, p. 1043, § 1, effective May 25. Editor’s note: This section […]
All procedures for the issuance, suspension, or revocation of licenses shall be pursuant to sections 24-4-104 to 24-4-107, C.R.S., except where inconsistent with the provisions of this article. Any final action with respect to the issuance, suspension, or revocation of licenses shall be subject to judicial review by the court of appeals pursuant to section […]
The commissioner may impose an administrative fine not to exceed one thousand dollars for each separate offense; may issue a letter of admonition; may place a contract seller on probation under the commissioner’s close supervision on such terms and for such time as the commissioner deems appropriate; and may refuse to renew, may revoke, or […]
Whenever the commissioner has reasonable cause to believe that any person is violating any provision of this article or any rule or order promulgated pursuant to this article, the commissioner may: In the name of the people of the state of Colorado, through the attorney general, apply for an injunction in any court of competent […]
A contract seller may surrender a license by: Filing written notice with the commissioner; Submitting a list of all outstanding preneed contracts, including the name of the contract buyer, the method of funding for the preneed contract, the preneed contract price, the amount of funds received, and the amount of funds held in trust; Paying […]
The commissioner may reinstate a suspended license or issue a new license to a person whose license has been revoked if no fact or condition then exists which clearly would have justified the commissioner in refusing originally to issue such license and the violations of this article which preceded the suspension or revocation of the […]
[ Editor’s note: This version of subsection (1) is effective until March 1, 2022.] Any person who violates any provision of this article commits a class 3 misdemeanor and shall be punished as provided in section 18-1.3-501, C.R.S. Any person who violates the trust fund provisions of this article or any other misappropriation of funds […]