The commissioner may place an insurance producer on probation; suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue, continue, or renew an insurance producer license; order restitution to be paid from an insurance producer; or assess a civil penalty pursuant to section 10-2-804 or 10-3-1108, if, after notice to the insurance producer licensee and after a hearing held […]
An insurance producer license issued under this article, although issued and delivered to the licensee, shall at all times be the property of the state of Colorado and shall be surrendered or returned promptly to the commissioner by personal delivery or by certified or registered mail within fifteen days under any of the following conditions: […]
The commissioner shall promptly notify any insurance producer licensee regarding any penalty assessed, suspension, revocation, termination, or denial of the licensee’s license by the commissioner. Upon assessment of a penalty, suspension, revocation, or termination of the license of a resident licensee, the commissioner shall notify the central office of the national association of insurance commissioners […]
The commissioner may examine and investigate the business affairs and conduct of every person applying for or holding an insurance producer license under this article to determine whether such person has been or is engaged in any violation of the insurance laws or rules of this state or has engaged in unfair or deceptive acts […]