Unless an action has been initiated previously in the district court of the city and county of Denver pursuant to this article 109, the executive director shall have the authority to review and determine any appeal by an aggrieved party from a decision of the procurement official or his or her designee rendered pursuant to […]
The executive director shall adopt rules of procedure which, to the fullest extent possible, provide for the expeditious resolution of appeals of controversies. The only parties to the appeals shall be the aggrieved parties and the appropriate governmental body. Section 24-4-105 shall not apply to reviews and determinations made by the executive director or his […]
In the case of an appeal to the executive director from a decision regarding a protested solicitation or award, the aggrieved party shall file an appeal within ten business days of the date that a decision is mailed or otherwise furnished to the aggrieved party pursuant to section 24-109-107 (2). In the case of an […]
On each appeal submitted, the executive director or his or her designee shall promptly decide the contract controversy, debarment, or suspension or whether the solicitation or award was in accordance with the procedures provided in this code, regulations enacted pursuant to this code, and the terms and conditions of the solicitation. The decision shall be […]
An appeal of a decision of the executive director or his or her designee rendered pursuant to section 24-109-201 or by the procurement official or his or her designee rendered pursuant to section 24-109-107 shall be filed with the district court for the city and county of Denver, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear […]
A judicial review of a decision of the executive director or his or her designee or of the procurement official or his or her designee shall be initiated within the following time periods: In the case of an action between the state and an aggrieved party aggrieved in connection with the solicitation or award of […]