When a person is required to take an oath or affirmation before the person enters upon the discharge of a public office or position, the form of the oath or affirmation is as follows: The oath or affirmation must be: In writing and signed by the person taking the oath or affirmation; Administered as provided […]
Whenever any person is required to take or subscribe an oath, and in all cases where an oath is to be administered upon any lawful occasion, and the person has conscientious scruples against taking an oath, the person is permitted to make a solemn affirmation in lieu of an oath. Whenever any person is required […]
All courts in this state and each judge, justice, magistrate, referee, clerk, and deputy clerk thereof; members and referees of the division of labor standards and statistics; members of the public utilities commission; and notaries public have power to administer oaths and affirmations to witnesses and others concerning any matter, thing, process, or proceeding pending, […]
In addition to the acknowledgment of instruments and the performance of other notarial acts in the manner and form and as otherwise authorized by law, instruments may be acknowledged, documents attested, oaths and affirmations administered, depositions and affidavits executed, and other notarial acts performed before or by any commissioned officer in active service of the […]
In all home rule cities and city and counties, the charters of which provide that officers, boards, or commissions named therein shall perform the acts and duties required of county officers by the state constitution or by general law, any deputy, employee, or appointee of such officer, board, or commission may administer any oath or […]
All oaths and affirmations, affidavits, and depositions administered or taken shall subject any person who swears or affirms falsely and willfully, in the matter material to any issue or point in question, to the penalties inflicted by law on persons guilty of perjury in the first degree. Source: R.S. p. 483, § 5. G.L. § […]
All oaths and affirmations required or authorized to be taken by any statute of this state, when the person required to make the same resides out of or is absent from this state, may be made before and administered by any notary public or clerk of any court of record of the state wherein such […]
Any person required to make any return or any application for refund or protest against any deficiency assessment involving any tax imposed by the sales, use, income, motor fuel, and motor vehicle tax laws under oath or affirmation, in lieu of such oath or affirmation, may make a written verification or declaration that it is […]