As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Agent” means any person duly authorized by an officer or employee to perform an act within the course of his service or employment. “Employee” means any employee of the state or its governmental subdivisions. “Officer” means any elected or appointed public official. “State” means any […]
The head of a department of the state of Colorado, with the approval of the governor or, in the case of the county or city and county, the chief executive officer or board of county commissioners, subject to appropriations being available therefor, is hereby authorized to procure insurance, through the department of personnel as provided […]
Any policy of insurance shall be obtained from an insurer authorized to transact business in this state and deemed by the department of personnel or the appropriate governing body of the governmental subdivision to be responsible and financially sound considering the extent of the coverage required. The premium for such insurance shall be a proper […]
The extent of the insurance coverage shall be limited as follows: For any bodily injury and property damage to one person in any single occurrence, the sum of one hundred fifty thousand dollars; For any bodily injury and property damage to two or more persons in any single occurrence, the sum of four hundred thousand […]
No action arising against an officer, employee, or agent of the state or state governmental subdivision for which insurance coverage is provided in this article shall be brought unless the same is brought within the time period prescribed in section 13-80-102 or 13-80-102.5, C.R.S., except as set forth in section 13-80-103 (1)(b) and (1)(c), C.R.S. […]