As used in this part 3, unless the context otherwise requires: “Applicant” means any person seeking certification to serve as a peace officer or a reserve peace officer. (1.5) “Basic training” means the basic law enforcement training received by a peace officer at any approved law enforcement training academy. “Certification” means the issuance to an […]
There is hereby created, within the department of law, the peace officers standards and training board, referred to in this part 3 as the “P.O.S.T. board”. The P.O.S.T. board shall exercise its powers and perform its duties and functions under the department of law as if transferred to the department by a type 2 transfer, […]
The P.O.S.T. board has the following duties: To approve and to revoke the approval of training programs and training academies, and to establish reasonable standards pertaining to such approval and revocation; To conduct periodic evaluations of training programs and inspections of training academies; To establish procedures for determining whether or not an applicant has met […]
For purposes of this section, “training academy” means a basic or reserve peace officer training program approved by the P.O.S.T. board that is offered by a training academy, community college, college, or university. A training academy shall not enroll as a student a person who has been convicted of an offense that would result in […]
Basic peace officer certification requirements shall include: Successful completion of a high school education or its equivalent; Successful completion of basic training approved by the P.O.S.T. board; Passage of examinations administered by the P.O.S.T. board; and Current first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation certificates or their equivalents. The training required for basic certification may be obtained […]
The P.O.S.T. board shall have the power to promulgate rules for enforcement of this part 3. The attorney general may enforce the provisions of this part 3 through an action in district court for injunctive or other appropriate relief against: Any individual undertaking or attempting to undertake any duties as a peace officer or a […]
The P.O.S.T. board is authorized to grant a provisional certificate to any person who: Has been authorized to act as a peace officer in another state or federal jurisdiction, excluding the armed forces, within the preceding three years and has served as a certified law enforcement officer in good standing in such other state or […]
The general assembly finds, determines, and declares that profiling is a practice that presents a great danger to the fundamental principles of our constitutional republic and is abhorrent and cannot be tolerated. The general assembly further finds and declares that motorists who have been stopped by peace officers for no reason other than the color […]
The general assembly hereby finds and declares that Colorado peace officers risk their lives every day in the normal course of their duties. On the roads and highways and throughout the state, peace officers are expected to make quick and difficult decisions that concern both public and officer safety. The general assembly further finds and […]
The training provided for peace officers shall include proper collection and retention techniques, practices, and protocols for evidence that may contain biological or DNA evidence. On or before August 1, 2009, the P.O.S.T. board shall certify the curriculum for the training. After August 1, 2009, the training shall be provided to persons who enroll in […]
On or before January 1, 2014, the P.O.S.T. board shall identify a school resource officer training curriculum to prepare peace officers. To the extent practicable, the training curriculum described in subsection (1) of this section shall incorporate the suggestions of relevant stakeholders and advocates. In assigning peace officers to serve as school resource officers pursuant […]
On or before January 1, 2014, the P.O.S.T. board shall create and implement a training curriculum to prepare peace officers to recognize and address incidents of abuse and exploitation of at-risk elders, as described in sections 18-6.5-102 (1) and (10), C.R.S. On and after January 1, 2015, each county sheriff and each municipal law enforcement […]
On or before June 30, 2016, the P.O.S.T. board shall create and implement a training curriculum to prepare peace officers to recognize and address incidents of abuse and exploitation of at-risk adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as described in section 18-6.5-102 (2.5) and (10), C.R.S. Source: L. 2016: Entire section added, (HB 16-1254), ch. […]
On and after October 1, 2013, the P.O.S.T. board is encouraged to include advanced roadside impaired driving enforcement training as an elective to basic field sobriety test training recertification. Subject to the availability of sufficient moneys, the P.O.S.T. board shall arrange to provide drug recognition expert training to certified peace officers who will act as […]
The annual in-service training programs must include proper restraint and holds training, a two-hour anti-bias training program, and, in alternating years, either a two-hour community policing and community partnerships training program or a two-hour situation de-escalation training program. The programs and curriculum may include interactive web-based training. Each certified peace officer shall satisfactorily complete the […]
As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: “Peace officer” means a certified peace officer described in section 16-2.5-102. “Photographic identification” means a photographic identification that satisfies the description at 18 U.S.C. sec. 926C (d). Except as described in subsection (3) of this section, on and after August 7, 2013, if the department […]
Subject to available appropriations, beginning July 1, 2022, the basic academy curriculum must include the curriculum for training concerning interactions with persons with disabilities recommended by the commission on improving first responder interactions with persons with disabilities pursuant to section 24-31-1004. The annual in-service training programs must include the in-service curriculum for training concerning interactions […]
The P.O.S.T. board chairperson may appoint an administrative law judge or hearing officer pursuant to article 4 of this title 24 to conduct hearings, administer oaths, take affirmations of witnesses, issue subpoenas compelling the attendance of witnesses and production of records, rule on evidence, make findings, and report the findings to the P.O.S.T. board for […]