There is hereby created a division in the department of local affairs to be known as the division of commerce and development, referred to in this part 3 as the “division”. The division shall be in the charge of a director, who shall be appointed by the executive director of the department. The director shall […]
It is the purpose of this division to plan and promote the economic development of the state and particularly those rural and lesser populated areas of the state which desire to encourage such development, as well as neighborhoods with chronic unemployment; to stimulate the growth and prosperity of commerce, agriculture, industry, labor, and the professions […]
In furtherance of the policy expressed in section 24-32-302, the director, acting under the authority of the governor, has the following powers: Creation, within the appropriations and allocations given by the general assembly or the governor, of such subdivisions and positions within the division as the director may deem necessary to fulfill his responsibilities; Contracting, […]
The division shall be provided with space in the state capitol or other state buildings suitable for the performance of its duties. The offices of the division shall be open during the hours prevailing in other offices in the state capitol. Vouchers covering salaries and expenses of the division shall be signed by the director, […]
The director, with the approval of the governor, is empowered to receive and expend all funds, grants, gifts, and bequests, including federal and state funds and other funds available for the purposes for which the division was created, and to contract with the United States and all other legal entities with respect thereto, including legally […]
Whenever the state advertising and publicity committee or the division of planning is referred to or designated by any contract or other document in connection with the duties and functions transferred by this part 3 to the division, such reference or designation shall be deemed to apply to the division. Source: L. 63: p. 146, […]