The general assembly hereby finds that: A safe and healthy learning environment for all students in Colorado is an important priority for the state; Research into evidence-based practices continues to demonstrate that academic achievement improves as the level of safety and security in a school increases; Studies of recent school attacks have established that school […]
As used in this part 18, unless the context otherwise requires: “Advisory board” means the school safety resource center advisory board created in the department pursuant to section 24-33.5-1804. “Center” means the school safety resource center created in the department pursuant to section 24-33.5-1803. “Director” means the director of the center. (3.3) “First responder” means […]
There is hereby created within the department the school safety resource center to assist schools in preventing, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from emergencies and crisis situations and to foster positive learning environments. The director of the center shall be appointed by the executive director pursuant to section 13 of article XII of the […]
There is hereby created in the department the school safety resource center advisory board to recommend policies of the center. The advisory board shall consist of not less than fourteen members, each of whom shall be appointed to a term of two years as follows: One member shall represent the department of education created pursuant […]
The department is authorized to contract for services with any state, county, local, municipal, or private agency to implement the provisions of this part 18 and fulfill the duties of the center, which duties are described in section 24-33.5-1803 (3). Source: L. 2008: Entire part added, p. 731, § 1, effective May 13.
On or before January 1, 2010, the director shall prepare and submit to the executive director a report evaluating the efficacy and value of the services provided by the center to schools. On or before January 15, 2010, the executive director shall prepare and submit to the education and judiciary committees of the house of […]
There is hereby created in the state treasury the school safety resource center cash fund, referred to in this section as the “fund”. The fund shall consist of: Such moneys as the general assembly may appropriate to the fund; Gifts, grants, and donations received by the department pursuant to subsection (2) of this section; and […]
The center is authorized to charge a fee to each attendee of a training program or conference that the center implements for the purposes of this part 18. The center shall forward each fee collected pursuant to this section to the state treasurer, who shall credit the entire amount to the school safety resource center […]
The director shall appoint a person to the center to collect and provide materials and to provide training to school personnel, parents, and students regarding preventing child sexual abuse and assault, including materials and training that are specific to preventing sexual abuse and assault of children with developmental disabilities. At a minimum, the appointed person […]
As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: “Disbursement program” means the school security disbursement program created in subsection (2) of this section. “Local education provider” means a school district, a charter school that is authorized pursuant to part 1 of article 30.5 of title 22, an institute charter school that is authorized […]