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Home » US Law » 2022 Colorado Code » Title 24 - Government - State » Article 33.5 - Public Safety » Part 5 - Division of Criminal Justice

§ 24-33.5-501. Legislative Declaration

In enacting this part 5, the general assembly declares that its purpose is to improve all areas of the administration of criminal justice in Colorado, both immediately and in the long term, regardless of whether the direct responsibility for action lies at the state level or with the many units of local government. The implementation […]

§ 24-33.5-502. Division of Criminal Justice Created

There is hereby created as a division of the department of public safety the division of criminal justice, referred to in this part 5 as the “division”. The executive director, subject to the provisions of section 13 of article XII of the state constitution, shall appoint the director of the division, referred to in this […]

§ 24-33.5-503. Duties of Division

The division has the following duties: In cooperation with other agencies, to collect and disseminate information concerning crime and criminal justice for the purpose of assisting the general assembly and of enhancing the quality of criminal justice at all levels of government in this state; To analyze this state’s activities in the administration of criminal […]

§ 24-33.5-503.5. Training Programs – Assess Fees – Cash Fund Created

The division may charge a fee in exchange for providing a training program. The fees charged shall be deposited into the criminal justice training fund created in subsection (2) of this section. There is hereby created in the state treasury the criminal justice training fund, referred to in this section as the “fund”. All moneys […]

§ 24-33.5-504. Policy Guidelines for State Plans and Fund Distribution

In addition to the plans developed under section 24-33.5-503 (1)(b), separate plans may be developed for each region designated by the division of planning in the department of local affairs. The state plan shall take into account the regional plans but shall not be a mere compilation of them. Separate county or municipal plans shall […]

§ 24-33.5-506. Victims Assistance and Law Enforcement Fund – Creation

There is hereby created in the state treasury a fund to be known as the victims assistance and law enforcement fund, referred to in this section as the “fund”. The state treasurer shall credit to the fund all moneys deposited with the state treasurer pursuant to section 24-4.2-105 (1) and voluntary victim assistance payments from […]

§ 24-33.5-507. Application for Grants

The division shall accept applications from agencies and organizations requesting grants of moneys for the following purposes, including, but not limited to, the provision of services, training programs, additional personnel, and equipment and operating expenses related to victim assistance and notification programs. The crime victim services advisory board created in section 24-4.1-117.3 (1) shall evaluate […]

§ 24-33.5-507.5. Definition of “Status Offender” to Comply With Federal Law

For purposes of compliance with federal law, “status offender” shall have the same meaning as defined in federal law in 28 CFR 31.304, as amended. This definition is solely for the purpose of complying with federal statutory, regulatory, and program requirements. Source: L. 2003: Entire section added, p. 825, § 1, effective April 1.

§ 24-33.5-515. Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification System – Legislative Declaration

The general assembly finds and declares that: The federal department of justice offered grants to help establish statewide automated victim information and notification systems; A Colorado statewide association of county sheriffs applied for and received grants to establish a statewide automated victim information and notification system and recently received an additional grant to upgrade the […]

§ 24-33.5-516. Study Marijuana Implementation

The division shall gather data and undertake or contract for a scientific study of law enforcement’s activity related to the implementation of section 16 of article XVIII of the state constitution over the two-year period beginning January 1, 2006, and over the two-year period beginning January 1, 2014, and each two-year period thereafter. The studies […]

§ 24-33.5-517. Criminal Justice Data Collection – Definitions – Repeal

Any state or local law enforcement agency that employs a peace officer who is involved in an officer-involved shooting that results in a person suspected of criminal activity being shot at by the officer shall report the following information to the division, in a format specified by the division: If known, the age, gender, sexual […]

§ 24-33.5-518. Criminal Justice Data Collection – Report – Repeal

This section shall be known and may be cited as the “Community Law Enforcement Action Reporting Act” or the “C.L.E.A.R. Act”. Each law enforcement agency in the state shall report the data reported pursuant to section 24-33.5-412 (5), including offense and arrest information disaggregated by summons, custody, and on view, to the division for each […]

§ 24-33.5-521. Community Corrections – Training – Annual Report

The division shall provide annual training to department of corrections staff involved in making community corrections transition placement referrals. The division shall provide ongoing annual training to community corrections boards on structured decision-making and other relevant issues. The division shall create and publish an annual report by February 1 of each year describing key data […]

§ 24-33.5-522. Law Enforcement Assistance Grant Program – Reports

There is created in the division the law enforcement assistance grant program, referred to in this section as the “grant program”, to award grants to seizing agencies, as defined in section 16-13-301 (2.7), to reimburse them for money that the agency would have received except for section 16-13-306.5 or 16-13-504.5. The division shall administer the […]

§ 24-33.5-523. Human Trafficking Prevention Training – Repeal

The division shall serve as an additional resource to provide training related to human trafficking. The training may include: Train-the-trainer programs; Direct trainings; and Online training programs. Upon request, the following entities may receive training from the division: Law enforcement agencies; Organizations that provide direct services to victims of human trafficking; School personnel and parents […]

§ 24-33.5-524. Trusted Interoperability Platform Advisory Committee – Creation – Strategic Plan – Repeal

There is created the trusted interoperability platform advisory committee, referred to in this section as the “committee”. The intent of the committee is to develop a strategic plan to implement a trusted interoperability platform that securely exchanges information between criminal and juvenile justice systems and community health agencies to improve the health, stability, and prosocial […]