There is hereby created within the office of the governor the Colorado office of economic development, the head of which shall be the director of the office of economic development, which office is hereby created. The director of the office, who shall also serve as the special assistant to the governor for economic development, shall […]
In addition to the powers and duties specified in section 24-48.5-101, the Colorado office of economic development shall include the small business assistance center, which shall provide comprehensive information on the federal, state, and local requirements necessary to begin a business and shall make this information available to the public. The office shall also have […]
On and after July 1, 2000, the Colorado office of economic development shall execute, administer, perform, and enforce the rights, powers, duties, functions, and obligations previously vested in the following programs and commissions concerning the duties and functions transferred to the office pursuant to this section: (Deleted by amendment, L . 2005, p. 207, § […]
The Colorado office of economic development shall carry out the responsibilities delegated to it pursuant to article 3.5 of title 10, C.R.S., related to certified capital companies. The director of the Colorado office of economic development shall promulgate rules necessary to carry out the provisions of article 3.5 of title 10, C.R.S., by September 30, […]
As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: “Commercial advertising production” means the production of a film that is created to promote specific brands, products, services, retailers, or advocacy positions. Commercial advertising production does not include the production of a film that is for the purpose of advocating the election or defeat of […]
On and after July 1, 2008, any employee of the department of local affairs prior to said date whose duties and functions concerned the administration of the enterprise zone program assumed by the Colorado office of economic development pursuant to article 30 of title 39, C.R.S., shall be transferred to the office and shall become […]
As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: “Advanced industry” has the same meaning as set forth in section 24-48.5-117 (2)(a). “Advanced industry investment tax credit” or “tax credit” means the credit against income tax created in section 39-22-532, C.R.S. “Affiliate” means any person or entity that controls, is controlled by, or is […]
Except as otherwise provided in this section, the aggregate of all charges or other related or associated fees the state or any agency, institution, authority, or political subdivision of the state may impose or assess to install an active solar energy system shall not exceed: The lesser of the actual costs in issuing the permit […]
As used in this section and sections 24-48.5-115 and 24-48.5-116, unless the context otherwise requires: “Film” means any visual or audiovisual work, including, without limitation, a video game, television show, or a television commercial, that contains a series of related images, regardless of the medium by which the work is fixed and from which it […]
There is hereby created within the Colorado office of economic development the Colorado office of film, television, and media, the head of which shall be the director of the Colorado office of film, television, and media. The director of the office shall be assisted by a staff to fulfill the office’s mission to promote Colorado […]
Subject to the provisions of this section, on or after July 1, 2012, any production company employing a workforce for any in-state production activities made up of at least fifty percent Colorado residents shall be allowed to claim a performance-based incentive in an amount as follows: For a production company that originates production activities in […]
Legislative declaration. The general assembly finds and declares that Colorado is home to a network of assets and resources, which include research universities, community colleges, federal laboratories, innovative companies, manufacturing infrastructure, work force training institutions, and entrepreneurs. To drive growth in Colorado’s economy, the state must focus on increasing the capacity and competitiveness of these […]
Legislative declaration. The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that: Colorado businesses need the capability and capacity to compete for government contracts at the federal, state, and local levels; Government contracting, at all levels, is a competitive and complex process; A procurement technical assistance program offers education, counseling, and technical assistance to businesses to […]
The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that the Colorado office of economic development is directed to contract for the development of local business mobile application software in order to: Assist consumers in the state who wish to find and patronize local businesses; Allow such businesses to publicize their Colorado affiliations; and Consistent with […]
The general assembly hereby finds and declares that: The defense sector is one of the state’s largest economic sectors, with an impact exceeding ten billion dollars per year; The United States military presence in the state is directly responsible for the majority of the economic activity in connection with the defense sector; The defense sector, […]
The general assembly hereby finds and declares that: In Colorado, nearly one million workers are employed by small businesses which equals about half of our workforce; According to the United States census bureau, nearly sixty-six percent of small businesses are owned by so-called “baby boomers”, people who began turning sixty-five years old in 2011; Many […]
As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: “Business” means any lawful activity performed by an entity, whether or not engaged in for profit, that contracts with or operates a call center. “Business” also means taxpayer as that term is used in title 39. “Call center” means a business entity or a division […]
Legislative declaration. The general assembly hereby: Finds that: Before June 21, 2021, this section provided for a small business grant program financed by money provided pursuant to the federal “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act”, Pub.L. 116-136, also referred to as the “CARES Act”, which money had to be expended by December 30, 2020; […]
Legislative declaration. The general assembly finds that: Small businesses are a vital component of the state’s and the nation’s economy and, as detailed in the “2020 Small Businesses of Color Recovery Guide for City Leaders and Community Groups”, referred to in this section as the SBOC Recovery Guide, prepared by the federal reserve banks of […]
Legislative declaration. The general assembly finds that: Colorado voters legalized the personal use of marijuana in 2012 and a robust regulatory framework was established to provide important safeguards and guardrails for the new and growing marijuana industry that resulted; From the onset of legalization in Colorado, statute specifically disqualified Coloradans with past marijuana convictions from […]