The general assembly hereby declares that it is in the best interest of the people of Colorado to promote the interests of minority business by assisting minority business enterprises in establishing information networks with both government and the private sector, assuring a greater flow of information about minority business enterprises and the opportunities available to […]
There is hereby created the minority business office within the office of the governor, referred to in this article as the “office”. The office shall be in the charge of a director who shall be appointed by the governor. The director and employees of the office shall not be subject to section 13 of article […]
In furtherance of the policy expressed in section 24-49.5-101, the director shall: Promote the business development of new and existing minority business enterprises in coordination with state economic development activities; Establish networks among governmental entities, the private sector, and minority business in an effort to promote joint business activities; Promote minority business participation in federal, […]
There is hereby created in the state treasury a fund to be known as the minority business fund, which shall be administered by the director of the minority business office. All moneys received from user fees pursuant to section 24-49.5-103 (1)(f) and any other moneys received by the office shall be placed in said fund. […]
The general assembly hereby finds and declares that: Businesses owned by minorities and women are among the fastest growing in the state but are historically underutilized in government contracts. Securing government procurement contracts is a major determinant in the success of businesses owned by minorities and women. The owners of historically underutilized businesses can benefit […]