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§ 24-50-601. Short Title

This part 6 shall be known and may be cited as the “State Employees Group Benefits Act”. Source: L. 94: Entire part added with relocations, p. 1122, § 1, effective May 19. Editor’s note: This section was formerly numbered as 10-8-201.

§ 24-50-602. Legislative Declaration

It is declared that the purpose of this part 6 is as follows: To enable the state to attract and retain qualified employees by providing group benefits similar to those commonly provided in private industry; To recognize and protect the state’s investment in each nontemporary employee by promoting and preserving good health among state employees; […]

§ 24-50-603. Definitions

As used in this part 6, unless the context otherwise requires: “Cafeteria benefits” means “flexible benefits” as defined in subsection (8) of this section. “Carrier” means an insurer, health maintenance organization (“HMO”), third-party administrator, or other entity with whom the state contracts to provide or administer, or both provide and administer, the group benefit plans. […]

§ 24-50-604. Powers and Duties of the Director

The director shall administer and manage the state employees group benefit plans and, subject to the provisions of this part 6, has the following powers and duties: The preparation of specifications for the group benefit plans contracted for by the director; The authority and responsibility to enter into contracts with carriers for group benefit plans […]

§ 24-50-605. Group Benefit Plans – Specifications – Contracts

The specifications drawn by the director for any group benefit plans include those benefits as determined by the director or as otherwise specifically provided in this part 6. Such specifications shall include provisions for noncancellation for reasons of health of any individual employee by the carrier and transferability to other group benefit coverages or individual […]

§ 24-50-607. Employees – Eligibility – Election of Coverage

Any state employee eligible as determined by the director for membership in a group benefit plan contracted for pursuant to section 24-50-604 (1)(b) upon the effective date of such plan shall be enrolled in the plan upon making application according to the director’s procedures. The manner and form of election and acceptance by state employees […]

§ 24-50-608. Dependents – Eligibility – Election of Coverage

Any eligible employee may elect to have the employee’s dependents covered by the group benefit plans. Such election shall be made at the time the employee becomes enrolled in the plan under such procedures as the director shall establish. If dependent coverage is not elected at the time that an employee becomes enrolled in an […]

§ 24-50-610. Payroll Deductions – Employees

The amount of monthly contributions, if any, to be made by employees enrolled in group benefit plans shall be deducted from the salaries of such employees and remitted to the department of personnel. The procedure for such deductions and remittances, including a procedure for determination of the appropriate amount and collection and remittance of monthly […]

§ 24-50-611. Employer Payments

The head of each state agency, department, or institution having employees enrolled in group benefit plans shall make a monthly payment to the department of personnel for each employee so enrolled of an amount as provided for in section 24-50-609. The estimated amount required for such payments shall be included in the annual budgets of […]

§ 24-50-612. Administrative Duties

It is the duty of the department of personnel to provide such assistance and to perform such duties as are necessary to carry out the state’s administrative, accounting, and clerical responsibilities in connection with the operation of group benefit plans. and (3) Repealed. Source: L. 94: Entire part added with relocations, p. 1134, § 1, […]

§ 24-50-613. Group Benefit Plans Reserve Fund

There is hereby established the group benefit plans reserve fund. The state treasurer shall be ex officio treasurer of this fund, and the state treasurer’s general bond to the state shall cover all liabilities for acts as treasurer of the fund. The director shall remit to the treasurer for deposit in the group benefit plans […]

§ 24-50-614. State Payments – Authority of Controller

The state contributions to group benefit plans shall be paid monthly to the director by the state controller, who shall make a charge against the accounts of the state departments, agencies, and institutions for this purpose. Such charges shall be the amounts necessary to cover the state contributions, as defined in section 24-50-609, for employees […]

§ 24-50-618. Group Benefit Plans – Institutions of Higher Education

A state institution of higher education, which, for the purposes of this section, shall include the Auraria higher education center established in article 70 of title 23, C.R.S., or a group of state institutions may establish and offer one or more group benefit plans, in addition to or in lieu of a plan contracted for […]

§ 24-50-619. Continuation of Dental or Medical Benefits – Dependents of State Employee – Work-Related Death – Definitions

As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: “Employee” means a current employee as defined in section 24-50-603 (7) who has dental or medical benefit coverage pursuant to this part 6. “State agency” means the department, commission, council, board, bureau, committee, institution of higher education, agency, or other governmental unit of the executive, […]

§ 24-50-620. Targets for Investment in Primary Care

A carrier shall adopt appropriate targets for investments in primary care to support value-based health-care delivery in alignment with the affordability standards developed in accordance with section 10-16-107 (3.5). The carrier shall consider the recommendations of the primary care payment reform collaborative created in section 10-16-150. Targets established under this section do not apply in […]