The general assembly hereby finds and declares that it is the policy of this state to concentrate on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of state government in order to provide better service to the residents and taxpayers of the state of Colorado, to increase state government productivity, and to decrease state government costs and waste. […]
As used in this part 9, unless the context otherwise requires: “Employee” means, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection (1), all state employees, including those employees within the state personnel system and those exempt from the state personnel system as specified in section 13 (2) of article XII of the state constitution. […]
No later than October 1, 2010, the state personnel director, or his or her designee, shall create and make publicly available to all employees on the department of personnel’s website an idea application, substantially similar to the Air Force form AF 1000, to allow employees to suggest state agency improvements that may result in cost […]