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§ 24-70-201. Definitions

As used in this part 2, unless the context otherwise requires: “Person” includes individuals, limited liability companies, partnerships, associations, and corporations. “Public printing” or “printing” means printing, lithographing, engraving, embossing, composition, binding, and the furnishing of necessary stationery and materials in connection therewith done for the state of Colorado or any of its departments. Source: […]

§ 24-70-202. Executive Director of the Department of Personnel to Supervise

The executive director of the department of personnel shall have full direction and supervision of all public printing of the state of Colorado and particularly as specified in this part 2. The general assembly declares that it is in the public interest and necessary for economy in the expenditure of public moneys, and in the […]

§ 24-70-203. Classes of Printing

All public printing for the state of Colorado shall be divided into four classes, as follows: The legislative bills, memorials, resolutions, calendars, and journals of the general assembly shall constitute the first class. The laws passed by the general assembly at each session, known as the “Session Laws of Colorado”, shall constitute the second class. […]

§ 24-70-203.5. Printing – Paper Specifications

Any public printing for purpose of a permanent record authorized by the general assembly shall be printed on acid-free, alkaline-based, or permanent type paper that conforms to American national standards for permanent paper for printed library materials (ANSI Z 3948). Use of such permanent type paper shall be appropriately noted in the publication. The general […]

§ 24-70-204. Specifications

Legislative bills, memorials, resolutions, calendars, the daily journals of each house of the general assembly, and the session laws shall be printed in accordance with such specifications as shall be drawn by the speaker and chief clerk of the house of representatives and the president and secretary of the senate. Acts which amend existing law […]

§ 24-70-205. Contracts for Public Printing

Repealed. The executive director of the department of personnel shall advertise at least two times in newspapers of general circulation published and printed in the city and county of Denver, in sufficient time to insure furnishing of such printing when needed, inviting sealed proposals for doing printing included in the first, second, or third classes. […]

§ 24-70-206. Bids – Specifications

The executive director of the department of personnel shall have the responsibility for setting detailed standards and specifications for the submission of all bids. Bids which do not comply with such standards and specifications may be rejected by the executive director of the department of personnel. The executive director of the department of personnel shall […]

§ 24-70-207. Delivery of Sealed Bids

All bids and proposals shall be delivered at the office of the executive director of the department of personnel, in the state capitol buildings group, endorsed, “Proposals for state printing; Class ……..”, and shall be and remain sealed until the hour specified in the advertisements or call for the opening of such bids and proposals, […]

§ 24-70-208. Bid Guarantee – Opening Bid

The executive director of the department of personnel, in the case of classes one, two, or three, shall consider only bids which are accompanied by a bid guarantee satisfactory to the executive director, in the sum of at least five percent of the established value of the contract, conditioned that the person making the bid, […]

§ 24-70-209. Letting of Contract – Bond

At the hour specified for the opening of bids submitted for printing under classes one, two, or three, the executive director of the department of personnel, in the presence of such bidders as may choose to attend, shall open such bids and proceed to determine the lowest responsible bidder for each class, having full regard […]

§ 24-70-210. Law Constitutes Part of Contract

Each and every provision of law in force at the time of the execution of any contract for state printing or binding constitutes a part of every such contract. Source: L. 37: p. 952, § 12. CSA: C. 130, § 77. CRS 53: § 109-2-11. C.R.S. 1963: § 109-2-10.

§ 24-70-212. Quality of Paper

The quality of paper to be used for blanks, stationery, and blank books shall be number one grade flat writing, twenty pound, twenty-five percent rag content bond and number one grade ledger, which shall be furnished by the contractor according to the specifications of the executive director of the department of personnel, unless otherwise specified […]

§ 24-70-215. Requisitions for Printing

No public printing of any sort or description whatever may be furnished to any department of the state government or to any officer or employee of the state, except on requisition of the head of a department, addressed to the executive director of the department of personnel; but the provisions of this section do not […]

§ 24-70-216. When Governor May Set Aside Bid

If the governor has reason to believe that at the letting of any contract for printing or binding the bidding therefor is or has been unfair, fraudulent, or exorbitant or by collusion between any two or more bidders or between any bidder and any other person whatever or if there is any unreasonable delay on […]

§ 24-70-217. Who Prohibited From Holding Contract

[ Editor’s note: This version of this section is effective until March 1, 2022. ] No contract shall be let under the provisions of this part 2 for furnishing any work or material to any person holding any state office in this state or a seat in the general assembly or to any person employed […]

§ 24-70-218. Attorney General to Bring Action, When

If any person making any bid or proposal under this part 2 fails or refuses to enter into a contract pursuant to the terms of his or her bid or proposal within the time mentioned in his or her bond presented with such bid or proposal or fails to fulfill his or her contract or […]

§ 24-70-219. Annulment of Contract

Upon the failure or nonperformance in any particular of the terms of any of the contracts on the part of a contractor with the state or for any unreasonable delay in performing the things required under the terms of such contract, the governor may annul the contract in which such default is made, and payment […]

§ 24-70-220. Penalty for Bribe

Any person who offers to pay any money or other valuable thing to induce another not to bid for a contract under this part 2 or as a recompense for not having bid for such contract or for abandoning a bid made commits a class 6 felony and shall be punished as provided in section […]

§ 24-70-221. Account Not Approved, When

All printing that is purchased for the use of the general assembly, or the members thereof, or for any officer or person whatever to whom such printing is furnished at the expense of the state shall be printed on the quality and size of paper and in the manner specified in the contract for printing […]