The general assembly hereby finds and declares that, pursuant to the master settlement agreement between several states, including Colorado, and certain tobacco companies, the state will receive substantial moneys for several years, and that such moneys may be reduced based on several factors, such as decreased sales of tobacco products. The general assembly further finds […]
As used in this part 11, unless the context otherwise requires: “Master settlement agreement” means the master settlement agreement, the smokeless tobacco master settlement agreement, and the consent decree approved and entered by the court in the case denominated State of Colorado, ex rel. Gale A. Norton, Attorney General v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.; American […]
No settlement moneys shall be used for a tobacco settlement program unless such program is expressly authorized by statute or is within the authority of the department or local government requesting funding. Nothing in this part 11 nor the establishment of any tobacco settlement program shall be deemed to create an entitlement to services or […]
Repealed. (1.3) (a) For the 2012-13 fiscal year, and for each fiscal year thereafter through the 2015-16 fiscal year, the lesser of all settlement moneys received or the following amounts of settlement moneys shall be allocated in each fiscal year in which the state receives the moneys in the percentages or amounts specified and for […]
The attorney general shall immediately notify the governor, the state treasurer, the joint budget committee of the general assembly, the speaker and minority leader of the house of representatives, and the president and minority leader of the senate if an arbitration panel makes any finding regarding the failure of the state to diligently enforce the […]