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§ 24-75-201. General Fund – General Fund Surplus – Custodial Moneys

There is hereby created and established the general fund, to which shall be credited and paid all revenues and moneys not required by the state constitution or the provisions of any law to be credited and paid into a special fund. The surplus fund created before June 30, 1971, is hereby merged into the general […]

§ 24-75-201.2. Restriction on State Spending – Unrestricted General Fund Year-End Balances

For purposes of determining unrestricted general fund year-end balances as required in section 24-75-201.1 at the end of any fiscal year, moneys budgeted or allocated for possible state liability, pending the determination of a legal action, shall not be included. Moneys budgeted or allocated for possible state liability, pending determination of a legal action, may […]

§ 24-75-201.3. Procedures Relating to Revenue Estimates

(Deleted by amendment, L. 2013.) Notwithstanding section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), no later than June 20 prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, and no later than September 20, December 20, and March 20 within each fiscal year, the governor, with the assistance of the controller, the office of state planning and budgeting, and the governor’s […]

§ 24-75-202. Imprest Cash Accounts

The controller may, in writing, authorize any department, institution, or agency of the state government to withdraw from any moneys in the state treasury available to it such amount as he may specify, to be used as an imprest cash account. Under procedures prescribed by the controller, such department, institution, or agency may pay out […]

§ 24-75-203. Loans and Advances

Upon the prior written approval of the governor and the controller as to purpose and amount, the state treasurer may lend the approved amount, out of any moneys in the state treasury not immediately required to be disbursed, to any department, institution, or agency to provide it with working capital for the operation of business […]

§ 24-75-204. Reports

Every department, institution, or agency which has received an advance or a loan of state moneys, as authorized in section 24-75-203, shall file with the controller a report at such times and in such form and detail as he may prescribe by fiscal rule. On or before November 30 of each year, the controller shall […]

§ 24-75-205. Insurance and Retirement Reserves

The insurance and retirement reserves of this state shall comprise the Pinnacol Assurance fund, the unemployment compensation fund on deposit with the treasurer of the United States, the unemployment compensation fund clearing account, the funds of the public employees’ retirement association, and such other funds of the same or similar character as may be created […]

§ 24-75-206. Legislative Declaration

The general assembly hereby determines and declares that it intends by sections 24-75-206 to 24-75-210 to improve the system of management of the public funds in the custody of the state treasurer to enable the state of Colorado promptly to make disbursements of legally appropriated moneys prior to and in anticipation of receipts of the […]

§ 24-75-207. Definitions

As used in sections 24-75-206 to 24-75-210, unless the context otherwise requires: “Noninterest bearing general fund warrants or checks” means any warrant or check issued against the general fund at a time when moneys accruing to the fund have not been received or credited to the general fund. Source: L. 59: p. 732, § 2. […]

§ 24-75-208. Investment of Treasury Funds

It is lawful for the state treasurer and it is the state treasurer’s duty, whenever there are funds on hand or in the state treasurer’s custody or possession eligible for investment, to invest in noninterest bearing general fund warrants or checks issued against the general fund at a time when moneys accruing to the fund […]

§ 24-75-209. Payment of General Fund Warrants or Checks

The state treasurer shall pay such noninterest bearing general fund warrants or checks pursuant to section 24-36-106 (2). Source: L. 59: p. 733, § 4. CRS 53: § 130-4-18. C.R.S. 1963: § 130-4-18. L. 93: Entire section amended, p. 1259, § 5, effective June 6. L. 2014: Entire section amended, (HB 14-1391), ch. 328, p. […]

§ 24-75-210. Reports to Governor

The state treasurer shall report to the governor and to members of the general assembly the general fund cash balance as of the last day of the preceding month as part of the treasurer’s quarterly report required by section 24-22-107 (1). Source: L. 59: p. 733, § 5. CRS 53: § 130-4-19. C.R.S. 1963: § […]

§ 24-75-219. Transfers – Transportation – Capital Construction – Definitions – Repeal

As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: “Capital construction fund” means the capital construction fund created in section 24-75-302. Repealed. “Funds” means the highway users tax fund and the capital construction fund. “Highway users tax fund” means the highway users tax fund created in section 43-4-201, C.R.S. Repealed. “Multimodal transportation and mitigation […]

§ 24-75-226. “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021” Cash Fund – Creation – Recipient Funds – Limitations – Reporting – Definitions – Repeal

As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021” means the federal “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021”, Pub.L. 117-2, as the act may be subsequently amended. “Fund” means the “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021” cash fund created in subsection (2) of this section. “Office” means the […]