The department has, in addition to all other powers and duties imposed upon it by law, the powers and duties provided in this section as follows: To close theaters, schools, and other public places, and to forbid gatherings of people when necessary to protect the public health; To establish and enforce minimum general sanitary standards […]
The department has, in addition to all other powers and duties imposed upon it by law, the powers and duties provided in this section as follows: To investigate and control the causes of epidemic and communicable diseases affecting the public health. For the purposes of this paragraph (a), the board shall determine, by rule and […]
The department has, in addition to all other powers and duties imposed upon it by law, the powers and duties provided in this section as follows: To annually license and to establish and enforce standards for the operation of general hospitals, hospital units as defined in section 25-3-101 (2), freestanding emergency departments as defined in […]
The department has, in addition to all other powers and duties imposed upon it by law, the powers and duties provided in this section as follows: To impound any vegetables and other edible crops and meat and animal products intended for and unfit for human consumption, and, upon five days’ notice and after affording reasonable […]
The department has, in addition to all other powers and duties imposed upon it by law, the powers and duties provided in this section as follows: To establish and operate programs which the department determines are important in promoting, protecting, and maintaining the public’s health by preventing, delaying, or detecting the onset of environmental and […]
Legislative declaration. The general assembly hereby declares that it is necessary to implement rules to ensure that patients suffering from legitimate debilitating medical conditions are able to safely gain access to medical marijuana and to ensure that these patients: Are not subject to criminal prosecution for their use of medical marijuana in accordance with section […]
Legislative intent. There is a need for objective scientific research regarding the efficacy of marijuana and its component parts as part of medical treatment. It is the intent of the general assembly that the department gather objective scientific research regarding the efficacy of administering marijuana and its component parts as part of medical treatment. Medical […]
The department may enter into partnerships with one or more authorized purchasers to purchase antiviral therapy in order to acquire a ready supply or stockpile of antiviral drugs in the event of an epidemic emergency, including pandemic influenza. If an entity wishes to purchase antiviral therapy through the department, the entity shall notify the department […]
As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: “Dialysis treatment clinic” means a health facility or a department or unit of a licensed hospital that is planned, organized, operated, and maintained to provide outpatient hemodialysis treatment or hemodialysis training for home use of hemodialysis equipment. “End-stage renal disease” means the stage of renal […]
As used in this section, “recovery residence”, “sober living facility”, or “sober home” means any premises, place, facility, or building that provides housing accommodation for individuals with a primary diagnosis of a substance use disorder that: Is free from alcohol and nonprescribed or illicit drugs; Promotes independent living and life skill development; and Provides structured […]
The department has, in addition to all other powers and duties imposed upon it by law, the duty to develop, maintain, and make available to school districts and institute charter schools a standard form to be used by school districts and institute charter schools to gather information from physicians and parents and guardians of students […]
The department shall monitor changes in drug use patterns, broken down by county or region, as determined by the department, and race and ethnicity, and the emerging science and medical information relevant to the health effects associated with marijuana use. The department shall appoint a panel of health-care professionals with expertise in, but not limited […]
The suicide prevention commission, referred to in this section as the “commission”, is created for the purpose of: Providing public and private leadership for comprehensive suicide prevention, as that term is defined in subsection (7) of this section, in Colorado; Setting statewide, data-driven, evidence-based, and clinically informed priorities for comprehensive suicide prevention in Colorado; Serving […]
The Colorado suicide prevention plan, referred to in this section as the “Colorado plan”, is created in the office of suicide prevention within the department. The goal and purpose of the Colorado plan is to reduce suicide rates and numbers in Colorado through system-level implementation of the Colorado plan in criminal justice and health-care systems, […]
As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: “Department” means the department of public health and environment created and existing pursuant to section 25-1-102. “Fund” means the crisis and suicide prevention training grant program fund established in subsection (5) of this section. “Grant program” means the crisis and suicide prevention training grant program […]
As used in this section, “board” means the state board of health created in section 25-1-103. (1.5) On or after December 1, 2021, a person that wishes to operate a freestanding emergency department must submit to the department on an annual basis a completed application for licensure as a freestanding emergency department. On or after […]
The opiate antagonist bulk purchase fund, referred to in this section as the “fund”, is hereby created in the state treasury. The fund consists of payments made to the department by participating eligible entities for the purchase of opiate antagonists; gifts, grants, and donations credited to the fund pursuant to subsection (1)(b) of this section; […]
On and after January 1, 2022, a hospital or other health facility licensed or certified pursuant to section 25-1.5-103 (1) shall not bill or charge a living organ donor for any costs associated with providing the health-care services related to living organ donation. As used in this section: “Health-care services” means a procedure to harvest […]
The commissioner of insurance may require a hospital licensed pursuant to section 25-1.5-103, after a hearing pursuant to section 10-16-1306 (3) concerning the premium rate requirements and network adequacy, to participate in a standardized health benefit plan described in section 10-16-1304. If the department receives notice from the commissioner of insurance that a hospital refuses […]