As used in this part 3, unless the context otherwise requires: “Administration” means assisting a person in the ingestion, application, inhalation, or, using universal precautions, rectal or vaginal insertion of medication, including prescription drugs, according to the legibly written or printed directions of the attending physician or other authorized practitioner or as written on the […]
The department has, in addition to all other powers and duties imposed upon it by law, the power to establish and maintain by rule a program for the administration of medications in facilities. The department of human services, the department of health care policy and financing, and the department of corrections shall develop and conduct […]
Medication reminder boxes or systems may be used if such containers have been filled and properly labeled by a pharmacist licensed pursuant to article 280 of title 12, a nurse licensed pursuant to part 1 of article 255 of title 12, or an unlicensed person trained pursuant to this section or filled and properly labeled […]